Форматные файлы для leica 1200
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Форматные файлы для leica 1200

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Вопрос о Leica TPS 1200

ААлекс (2005-12-02 14:55:34) писал:
А последняя модель которую мы используем TCR-1205 это просто класс. Вот например: Спокойно как подложку можно прямо в прибор подгрузить файл из AutoCAD и на экране точки съемки будут накладываться прямо на чертеж-подложку и геодезист в поле может контролировать ситуацию что и где он недоснял или пропустил. Очень удобно при использовании на стройке.
Можно уточнить, как именно это сделать? К сожалению, не нашел ни в инструкции, ни в меню.

#2 Ответ от Александр Л 17 октября 2006г. 09:09:04

Re: Вопрос о Leica TPS 1200

Вопрос снят, разобрался.

#3 Ответ от Николай 28 октября 2006г. 13:10:18

Re: Вопрос о Leica TPS 1200

Здравствуйте !
Потерял флэш-память от тахеометра Leica 1202, купил новую и не знаю как и где взять форматные файлы, если сможете вышлите

#4 Ответ от SergP 31 октября 2006г. 17:33:45

Re: Вопрос о Leica TPS 1200

В приборе есть функция форматирования карты

#5 Ответ от Александр Л 9 ноября 2006г. 06:05:03

Re: Вопрос о Leica TPS 1200

Форматирование вернет структуру папок, но не форматные файлы. А форматы (а также файлы системных программ и прочее) можно взять на лейковском официальном сайте ( http://www.leica-geosystems.com/ ), в разделе саппорта.

#6 Ответ от off 11 ноября 2006г. 18:32:03

Re: Вопрос о Leica TPS 1200

> Александр Л.
А файл AutoCad какой версии понимает тахеометр? Как отображаются блоки и сложные типы линий?

#7 Ответ от Александр Л 12 ноября 2006г. 19:54:40

Re: Вопрос о Leica TPS 1200

Пока что мало экпериментировал.. Понимает файл dxf, причем у меня тахеометр увидел исключительно Lines и Points Для подложки этого вроде хватает. В тахеометр это дело отправляется через Leica Geo Office, причем через LGO Tools, который поставляется вместе с прибором, кажется, dxf передать нельзя, ибо он, по сути, есть демо-версия LGO .
Ну а в целом. Использование dxf в качестве подложки в моей работе (строительство) себя не очень оправдало, просто не нашел случаев, где это было бы необходимо или просто привнесло удобство в работу
P.S. Сохранял 2007-м, в формате dxf, на всякий случай поставил сохранение как «2000 dxf».

Разделы техподдержки

Форматные файлы для Leica FlexLine 27.11.2014 02:33

Форматные файлы для Leica FlexLine

В тахеометрах Leica FlexLine стандартными форматами для скачивания данных являются:

  • DXF (файл содержит 5 слоёв — точки в виде перекрестия, плановые координаты, высота, номер точки, код)
  • LandXML
  • IDEX
  • GSI

Зачастую, необходимо скачать данные в другом формате. В тахеометрах Leica предусмотрена такая возможность.

Вы можете скачать форматные файлы с этой страницы:

2. Формат координат (номер точки, координаты, код; разделитель — пробелы): формат, пример.

3. Формат GSI для работы в ПО Credo_DAT: GSI для_CREDO

4. Формат Nikon RAW: Nikon

5. Формат для открытия в ПО MS Excel, Libre Office и пр. (координаты с разделителем запятая): NEH (север, восток, высота), ENH (восток, север, высота)

6. Формат тахеомеnров Topcon: GTS-6

7. Отчет после работы с приложением теодолитный ход: TraversePRO

8. Полный отчёт по произведённым действиям (так называемый log-файл). Устанавливается в зависимости от установленной прошивки: v.1.10, v.2, v.3-4.

Примечание 1. Если Ваш прибор экспортирует в формат DXF не по слоям, то Вам необходимо обновить прошивку тахеометра (любой прибор FlexLine может быть обновлен до такой версии)

Примечание 2. Если Вам необходим формат, которого здесь нет — свяжитесь с нами по любому каналу связи. Мы постараемся помочь.

Категории статей

  • ГНСС
  • Инструкции
  • Инструкции от УГТ-Холдинга
  • Настройки передачи и параметров оборудования
  • Режимы с постобработкой данных и системы координат
  • Режимы реального времени (RTK)
  • Программы
  • TPS
  • Обмен данными
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Format File Leica 1200

Hi, I was wondering whether it is possible to group Points (Point ID). So say I measured points 1, 2, 3 repeatedly would it be possible to export these in a gsi file from the instrument grouped. So all points 1 in one table, all 2 points in a second table etc? Point ID Hz A Vz A Slope Distance
1 150.5 89.25 23.2
1 150.5 89.25 23.2
1 150.5 89.25 23.2
1 150.5 89.25 23.2
1 150.5 89.25 23.2
1 150.5 89.25 23.2 Point ID Hz A Vz A Slope Distance
2 180.5 92.25 26.2
2 180.5 92.25 26.2
2 180.5 92.25 26.2
2 180.5 92.25 26.2
2 180.5 92.25 26.2
2 180.5 92.25 26.2 Much obliged in advance, Andreas

conrad replied 10 years, 8 months ago 4 Members · 11 Replies
11 Replies

Moe Shetty

August 8, 2013 at 10:22 am

if you import to LGO, look for the small icon on the bottom left of the import window. it looks like a small text icon with a capital ‘A’ on it. that is a copy text button. these can be dropped into text files or spreadsheets. if not, check your technical reference manual for writing custom format files. it can be done, it just might take some reading and trials


August 8, 2013 at 10:57 am

> Hi,
> I was wondering whether it is possible to group Points (Point ID). So say I measured points 1, 2, 3 repeatedly would it be possible to export these in a gsi file from the instrument grouped. So all points 1 in one table, all 2 points in a second table etc?
> Point ID Hz A Vz A Slope Distance
> 1 150.5 89.25 23.2
> 1 150.5 89.25 23.2
> 1 150.5 89.25 23.2
> 1 150.5 89.25 23.2
> 1 150.5 89.25 23.2
> 1 150.5 89.25 23.2
> Point ID Hz A Vz A Slope Distance
> 2 180.5 92.25 26.2
> 2 180.5 92.25 26.2
> 2 180.5 92.25 26.2
> 2 180.5 92.25 26.2
> 2 180.5 92.25 26.2
> 2 180.5 92.25 26.2
> Much obliged in advance,
> Andreas Andreas, write your format file to export each TPS measurement in the format you show above. import your job into LGO. use the export ascii option and change the settings: choose the path to the format file you wrote, make sure you choose to sort by ‘point id’ not ‘time’ and make the only export the ‘measured’ class and none of the others. your file will look like what you posted above except for the table headers. you can paste those in yourself. there is probably a way to export the table headers by using one of the data block export format strings as a dummy but it’s not worth your time.


August 8, 2013 at 10:59 am

Hi Moe, Thanks for the response, wasn’t really expecting one till tomorrow.
Early bird catches the worm I suppose and all that. ��
Useful to know about the copy text button. But thats ok if all the surveyors using it have access to a Leica Geo Office which they don’t unfortunately. We have created some spreadsheets where it would be useful to cut and paste from the GSI files directly into them. This is why I need to create a custom format file.
Which technical reference manual were you referring too, if you meant the one to the
Total Station, I checked it but not much in the way of custom format files there. Also the help in Leica format manager is a bit limited. It took me a while to discover enter was needed in the export format string for the file to list my points. The export preview showed a gap between points, it was only when I tested it I realised there was no gap, but if I didn’t press enter the export preview showed exactly how I wanted my list. So was trying to avoid the whole searching, reading, trial and error before figuring out how to create the file I needed ��
I welcome any further ideas though, Thanks Andreas


August 8, 2013 at 11:05 am

Hi Conrad, Thanks, is it possible then to create a format file which I can transfer onto my Total Station so that it exports the data directly in that format, without having to do anything in Geo Office? That is, after I have created the format file in Geo Office and transferred it to the total station �� Andreas


August 8, 2013 at 11:41 am

Format file export on total station. > Hi Conrad,
> Thanks, is it possible then to create a format file which I can transfer onto my Total Station so that it exports the data directly in that format, without having to do anything in Geo Office? That is, after I have created the format file in Geo Office and transferred it to the total station ��
> Andreas yes Andreas, you can transfer the format file (make a field one, not office) to the total station and export the file there. now because you won’t be able to edit the file on the total station you can produce the headers with the dummy string. in the format manager write your export file so that the measurements (Pt, Hz, V, SD) come out of the ‘points (measured by TPS)’ data block. you will use the plain ‘points’ data block to produce the header that you want to appear over the measurement groups. you will just enter the header as plain text. write it as you want it to appear in each of the headers using spaces to align the columns titles over the measurement data. put a carriage return above the header string to separate the last measurement from the next group header string. be sure to put a carriage return after the measurement blocks and the dummy headers, otherwise your file will just run on to one gigantic line of text. when exporting ascii files you can apply the filter [F4] and choose to sort by ‘ascend point id’ and filter by ‘class’; you want to show ‘avge’ and ‘meas’ only.


August 8, 2013 at 12:32 pm

Format file export on total station. Hi Conrad, In all these years of surveying never saw that filter �� Even so regardless I still only get the data in the below format, any ideas? ====================================================================================
Calibrations and Verifications
==================================================================================== Point ID Time HZ angle VZ Angle Slope Distance
—– — —- ——– ——– ————–
0001 14: 2:28 97.7789 67.5710 3.7898
0002 14: 2:49 103.4403 71.2287 4.2402
0003 14: 3: 8 107.8441 74.3112 4.7256
0001 14: 3:29 97.9183 67.5307 3.7862
0002 14: 3:48 103.5520 71.1992 4.2361
0003 14: 4: 5 107.8557 74.3261 4.7283
0001 14: 4:18 97.8534 67.5380 3.7863
0002 14: 4:35 103.5012 71.1898 4.2347
0003 14: 4:51 107.8539 74.3026 4.7240 ====================================================================================
End of Data
==================================================================================== Its easy enough problem to fix once in Excel, I’m just trying to maximise efficiency �� Do you think creating a code list would help sorting the data.


August 8, 2013 at 12:52 pm

Format file export on total station. i created a dummy job got mine to export exactly the way you were looking for. the header string is written from: data export>export formatstrings>data blocks>points. the measurements themselves come from data export>export formatstrings>data blocks>points (measured by TPS). they do not come from ‘TPS measurements’ just in case you are using it. on the instrument during export ascii the filter [F4] settings are-
Sort: Ascend Point ID
Filter: Class
ctrl: hide
adj: hide
ref: hide
avge: show
meas: show
nav: hide
est: hide
none: hide now the reason this should produce the correct order is it will sort out the point numbers first and display them in groups. the classes should order from highest to lowest within each group, ‘avge’ being higher than ‘meas’. the ‘points’ export, which is used for the headers will print every time there is an average class point, and that should appear for every group of same point numbers. the measurements should fall below the group headers. edit – my dummy job had a codelist but it was empty; no codes were attached to the points.


August 8, 2013 at 3:29 pm

Format file export on total station. Everyone is definitely on the right track about the details of the format file. There is one thing to add… It looks like these are values that are coming straight from the Survey application. The stored points can be exported by Points, Points Only from TPS and Points only from GPS. I always used the Points export just to have a generic format file but a specific one like this one I would probably just select the export string group for TPS Points (measured by TPS). Be sure that once you have your export strings selected and they are appearing in the top/middle window… double click on the export strings as they are shown with double,green brackets. This will open up the Formatting Options for the string you selected. You can choose allot of formatting options but be sure you select the correct Unit of Measure at the bottom for strings that have measurement values. One thing I always forget is to go to the end of each string and select the enter key once to drop it down on line (you can have multiple line spaces if you want). If you do not do this the export will come out in one continuous line. To transfer the format file to a System1200 instrument place the format file in the Convert folder on the CF card and place it back in the instrument. Then… 1. From main menu go to 6 Tools…
2. Next select 2 Transfer Objects..
3. The select 06 Format Files
4. Transfer from CF Card to System RAM The format file is now on-board and can be ready to use. You can test these on the simulator or the instrument. Either way when you are tweaking out a format file and need to get a revised version on the equipment you can overwrite it in the steps above or delete it when viewing the list of format files.


August 9, 2013 at 6:56 am

Format file export on total station. Bang on the Money �� It must have been the Points (Measured by TPS) as I had selected measured by TPS, I now actually pay attention to the information displayed regarding the coding �� Thanks Conrad


August 9, 2013 at 7:07 am

Format file export on total station. Thanks for the reply, Took me a while to figure out that with the enter (especially as the preview, displays it incorrectly), I mentioned it in a previous reply. Yes I’d worked that out with the formatting or my time wouldn’t be displayed as nicely �� I also work in Gons, so that was something I’d previously worked out. Conrad has given me the solution now, which works splendidly, but if you have any suggestions of how to achieve the same result without me having to use the filter, that would be tremendous. Andreas


August 9, 2013 at 8:57 am

Format file export on total station. > Bang on the Money ��
> It must have been the Points (Measured by TPS) as I had selected measured by TPS,
> I now actually pay attention to the information displayed regarding the coding ��
> Thanks Conrad no worries at all. this situation is exactly what the filter is for. you will not be able to do without it because what you are doing is precisely, sorting and filtering.

Форматные файлы для leica 1200

These Leica Format files are written to be uploaded to a Leica TCR700 instrument to pre-format any downloaded data.

Each file is approx 500 bytes in size.

These files are freely available on an «as-is» basis. No responsibility can be taken for any loss of data caused by the use of these formats.

If you have any «.frt» format files that you would like to share, please send them to me and I will post them here.

User-defined Format Files:

Filename Format Example Author
CSV(mm) Point No, Easting, Northing, Height 1, 123456, 234567, 45678 MRA
CSV(m) Point No, Easting, Northing, Height 1, 123.456, 234.567, 45.678 MRA
Angles Point No, HADeg, HAMin, HASec, VADeg, VAMin, VASec 1, 123, 45, 56, 88, 55, 33 MRA
Default GSI Station Co-ords (No, E ,N ,H)

Official Leica Format Files:

This zip file contains 25 different .frt format files to download your data into ASCII, AutoCAD (DXF) or GSI format.

The software is Leica Freeware. Please read the zipped «readme» files.

** Users should be aware that some formats are defined as «Northing, Easting» **

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