Inventor на mac os
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Inventor на mac os

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Mac-compatible software

Using AutoCAD in an architectural office environment.

Autodesk provides many native Mac products for 3D modeling, CAD, rendering, animation, VFX, and digital imagery. In addition, we provide full support for a number of products when used on the Mac in virtualized environments including Parallels Desktop and VMware Fusion. We also support these products via Boot Camp, part of Mac OS X that lets you install and run Windows (and Windows-based applications) on a Mac.

Konstruowanie w Inventorze na Macu – to możliwe!

Uruchomienie Inventora na Macu

W Polsce niekwestionowanym liderem na rynku systemów operacyjnych pozostaje Microsoft z Windowsem. Sprzęty Apple z MacOS, takie jak MacBook czy iMac, wciąż stanowią nisze, jednak coraz więcej osób z różnych powodów decyduje się na przesiadkę na system konkurencji.

Jak uruchomić Inventora na systemie macOS?

Autodesk uwzględnia użytkowników „jabłek” w planach rozwoju swoich produktów, takich jak AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT lub Fusion 360. Czasem jednak te programy mogę nie wystarczyć na pewnym etapie rozwoju firmy i pojawia się potrzeba skorzystania z bardziej rozbudowanych narzędzi jak np. Inventorze na komputerze Apple niezbędne jest uruchomienie na nim Windowsa. Są na to dwa sposoby.

Sposób 1. – partycjonowanie dysku macOS

Pierwszym sposobem jest zainstalowanie Windowsa obok macOS. Można to zrobić poprzez partycjonowanie dysku. Na jednej partycji zostawiamy macOS, a na drugiej instalujemy Windowsa.

Takie rozwiązanie ma swoje wady i zalety. Przede wszystkimi jest ono darmowe i nie wymaga zewnętrznych programów. Całą operacje możemy wykonać sami, w obrębie własnego sprzętu. Dzięki temu rozwiązaniu zyskujemy pełnoprawny system operacyjny, z drugiej jednak strony, jeżeli całą pozostałą pracę wykonujemy w środowisku Mac, przełączanie się miedzy systemami wymaga od nas restartowania komputera, co w dłuższej perspektywie czasu może być uciążliwe.

Sposób 2. – instalacja programu Paralles

Innym sposobem jest wspomaganie się zewnętrzną aplikacją. Program Paralles służy do wirtualizowania innych systemów w środowisku macOS. Dzięki niej możesz uruchomić Windowsa jako osobną aplikację w okienku. Następnie na tak uruchomionym systemie instalujesz Inventora i gotowe!

Możesz pracować w Inventorze i swobodnie przełączać się między aplikacjami na Macu. Przy codziennej pracy nie powinieneś zauważyć różnic w korzystaniu z Inventora na wirtualnym systemie względem tradycyjnie zainstalowanego Windowsa. Największą zaletą Paralles jest to, że pliki, które posiadasz lokalnie na Macu, będziesz mógł współdzielić z Windowsem. Bez potrzeby kopiowania i duplikowania plików na dysku, bez pendrive’ów. Z poziomy Windowsa w Paralles uzyskasz pełny dostęp do Twoich projektów.

To rozwiązanie ma jednak jedna wadę – program Paralles nie jest darmowy. Jego koszt to około 80 dolarów za rok.

Jeżeli jesteś zainteresowanym takim rozwiązaniem, ale wizja uruchomienia wirtualnego systemu wydaje Ci się skomplikowana to poniżej przedstawiamy instrukcje:

  • Ściągnij i zainstaluj Paralles na swoim komputerze z macOS – stąd możesz pobrać wersje próbną:
  • Ze strony Microsoft pobierz obraz Windows 10:
  • Uruchom Paralles
  • Znajdź i wybierz pobrany wcześniej obraz Windowsa
  • Wprowadź klucz Windowsa lub wykonaj instalacje ekspresową. Klucz będziesz mógł podać po zainstalowaniu
  • Przejdź przez proces instalacyjny Windows
  • Pobierz i zainstaluj Inventor Professional w środowisku Windows:
  • Gotowe!

Korzystając z któregoś z przedstawionych wyżej rozwiązań będziesz mógł pozostać w swoim ulubionym środowisku macOS jednocześnie w pełni wykorzystując potencjał programów Autodesk.

Jeśli jesteś zainteresowany rozpoczęciem pracy w Inventorze zgłoś się do nas po ofertę. Inventor występuje również w pakiecie z AutoCAD pod postacią kolekcji mechanicznej Product Design & Manufacturing Collection od Autodesk.

Autor: Marcin Sroka | PCC Polska

3 Ways To Run Inventor on Mac

inventor for mac - cover

Autodesk Inventor isn’t available for Mac but here we show you how to install and run Inventor on a Mac.

Inventor is a CAD software for 3D mechanical design, simulation, visualization and documentation that’s often used by engineers alongside Autodesk’s industry standard AutoCAD software.

Frustratingly for many engineers, architects and students, although AutoCAD for Mac is available, Inventor is not including the latest version of Inventor 2024.

However, you can still use Inventor by using the Parallels virtual environment.

Parallels allows you to run Windows on a Mac so that you can install the Windows version of Inventor on your Mac.

  • Does Inventor Work On M1, M2 & M3 Macs?
  • Does Inventor Work In Boot Camp On a Mac?
  • 1. Virtual Environment
  • 2. Boot Camp (Intel Macs Only)
  • 3. Remote Access
  • Why Is There No Inventor For Mac?
  • When Will Inventor For Mac Be Released?
  • Can You Get Inventor For Free?

Does Inventor Work On M1, M2 & M3 Macs?

In fact, some users find that as long as you have enough RAM, the powerful Apple Silicon Macs run Inventor even better in a virtual environment like Parallels than running it on a Windows PC.

Does Inventor Work In Boot Camp On a Mac?

If you have an older Intel Mac you can also choose to use Boot Camp to install Windows and Inventor on a Mac.

Boot Camp is a free tool in macOS that allows you to dual boot your Mac in either macOS or Windows.

However, Boot Camp does not work on Apple Silicon Macs so Boot Camp is not an option to install Inventor on a Mac if you have an Apple Silicon Mac.

Finally, you can also use Inventor remotely on both Intel and Apple Silicon Macs by using Remote Access software on your Mac.

A remote access tool allows you to access Inventor by running on a Windows computer by connecting to it remotely and can be used on both Intel and Apple Silicon Macs.

However, this is the least preferable option as it has many limitations on usability and performance issues due to lag on the connection between your Mac and the Windows computer running Inventor.

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Here then we look at the best ways to run Inventor on a Mac in more detail.

1. Virtual Environment

inventor for mac

Virtual machines like Parallels allow you to run macOS and Windows at the same time which is far more convenient as you can switch between your Mac and Windows in one click.

Parallels is by far the easiest virtual machine to setup and install Autodesk Inventor on a Mac with and works on both Intel Macs and the latest Apple Silicon Macs such as the M1 MacBook Pro, Mac Studio and M2 MacBook Pro to install Windows.

Using Parallels means you don’t have to restart your Mac when you want to use Inventor – you can just switch to macOS as you do when you want to use any other application.

It’s important to be aware though that Parallels can only run the ARM version of Windows on Apple Silicon Macs which is different to the x86 version of Windows for Intel chips that’s most widely used.

Windows ARM is a slightly different version of Windows designed for ARM chips like the M1, M2 and M3 chip.

Inventor is not compatible with Windows for ARM but Windows ARM can translate the standard Windows compatible version of Inventor to work on it.

We also strongly recommend only installing Inventor using a virtual machine like Parallels if you have at least 32GB of RAM and preferably 64GB of RAM if your budget allows.

The reason is Parallels will split the RAM in half – one half to run the virtual machine and Windows within it and the other to run macOS and software within it.

Any less than 32GB of RAM will mean Inventor will perform very slowly and laggy on your Mac.

If you’ve got an Intel Mac but can’t upgrade the RAM, you could also consider getting an eGPU to improve the performance of Inventor using Parallels.

Note that you can’t use an eGPU with Apple Silicon Macs so you must purchase the maximum amount of RAM you can afford when you buy an Apple Silicon Mac.

Finally, we also recommend getting an external storage drive for your Mac when running Inventor on your Mac.

The reason is that you’ll soon fill up your Mac hard drive with Inventor files and nowadays, the fastest thunderbolt drives for Mac are almost as fast as your Mac’s hard drive itself.

You can’t upgrade the internal storage of Apple Silicon Macs after you’ve purchased them either so using an external drive is a fast and easy solution.

With this in mind, just follow these instructions to install Inventor using Parallels.

  • Download Parallels which will automatically install Windows 11 on your Mac. If you don’t want to purchase Parallels straight away, you can try a 14 day free trial first. Microsoft no longer requires users to activate Windows 11 with a product key in order to use it so the great thing is Windows doesn’t cost a cent nowadays unless you want to customize it.
  • When you open Parallels, it will automatically Install Windows 11 for you from Microsoft.

inventor using windows 11

  • Purchase Inventor and install it in Windows on your Mac. Alternatively, you can also download a free trial of Inventor to try it first. Inventor works with either Windows 10 or Windows 11 but is not compatible with Windows 7. You’ll also need to create a free Autodesk account to install Inventor.

Once installed, you’ll find that you can use Inventor within the Windows environment just as if you were using a PC.

run autodesk inventor on mac

You should find that Inventor performs pretty well on a Mac using Parallels although using any software in a virtual machine never performs as fast as having it installed directly in macOS.

In particular you may find that panning, orbiting and zooming are sluggish.

If you’re using an Intel Mac, you can share files between macOS and Windows by activating the Sharing options in the Windows configuration options in Parallels.

However, unfortunately you can’t share files between macOS and Windows on Apple Silicon Macs.

You need to deactivate Share folders and Shared profile Parallels in order to open Autodesk Inventor files on an Apple Silicon Mac otherwise it will not work.

inventor on mac - share files macos windows

Despite this limitation on Apple Silicon Macs, using Parallels to run Inventor is by far the quickest and easiest way to run Inventor on a Mac.

2. Boot Camp (Intel Macs Only)

inventor on mac - boot camp

Boot Camp is a free tool on macOS that allows you to dual boot in either macOS or Windows.

Whereas a virtual machine like Parallels runs macOS and Windows simultaneously, Boot Camp only allows you to boot your Mac in either macOS or Windows. To switch between the two, you need to shut down and restart your Mac.

Boot Camp also requires you to partition-off a large part of your Mac hard drive to dedicate for running Window on. The disadvantage of this is that once all that hard drive space is filled-up, you’ll no longer have any free disk space to keep creating new Inventor projects.

It’s important to be aware that Boot Camp is only available in macOS on Intel Macs.

Boot Camp does not work on the latest generation of Apple Silicon Macs.

If you’ve got an Intel Mac, to install Inventor simply do the following:

  • Follow these instructions to Install Windows on your Mac using Boot Camp. The main thing to consider when installing Inventor is to make the partition to install Windows as big as possible on your Mac. If you don’t have much disk space available, you can also consider using an external hard drive, preferably a thunderbolt hard drive for working with Inventor.
  • Purchase Inventor and install it in Windows on your Mac. Alternatively, you can also download a free trial of Inventor to try it first. Inventor works with either Windows 10 or Windows 11 but is not compatible with Windows 7. You’ll also need to create a free Autodesk account to install Inventor in Windows on a Mac using Boot Camp.

3. Remote Access

autodesk inventor mac - remote desktop

You can also use Inventor remotely on a Mac by using remote access software.

A remote access tool allows you to access Inventor running in a Windows PC in another location. Remote Access software allows you to access and control apps on another computer from your Mac.

To remotely access and use Inventor on another computer you need:

  • Remote access software on your Mac such as Microsoft Remote Desktop
  • Access to a Windows PC running Inventor

Remotely accessing Inventor is the least preferable way to use Inventor on a Mac because it relies very heavily on the stability and speed of your internet connection.

As a result, there can be a lot of lag and delay when using Inventor remotely this way.

It also limits the amount of control you have over Inventor. There are some functions and features which are difficult or impossible to use properly by using it remotely.

Why Is There No Inventor For Mac?

It’s not clear why Autodesk hasn’t released Inventor for Mac but it’s probably due to the added maintenance and development costs of making a Mac compatible version of Inventor.

There is however a Mac version of AutoCAD so hopefully at some point Autodesk will release Inventor for Mac too.

When Will Inventor For Mac Be Released?

At the moment, Autodesk hasn’t announced any plans to release Inventor on Mac.

There has never been a Mac compatible version of Inventor released including the latest version of Inventor 2024 which is Windows only.

For the foreseeable future, your only option to run Inventor on a Mac is to use one of the options featured here.

Can You Get Inventor For Free?

Although there’s no free Mac version of Inventor, if you’re a student or educator you can use Inventor for free on a Mac using Parallels with an Autodesk Education Plan.

Аналоги Autodesk Inventor для Mac OS

Продукты Autodesk® Inventor® предлагают набор программного обеспечения для механического 3D-дизайна, моделирования продуктов и создания инструментов. Inventor с помощью цифрового прототипирования позволяет разрабатывать, визуализировать и моделировать ваши продукты.

Некоторые функции Autodesk® Inventor®:
— Проектирование — объединение всех проектных данных в единую цифровую модель.
— Визуализация — создание виртуальной модели конечного продукта до его реального производства.
— Имитация — цифровая имитация производительности продукта в реальности.

Альтернативы для Autodesk Inventor для Mac OS

Персональный компьютер
Мобильный телефон


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Скриншот 1 программы Sketchup

SketchUp (ранее известен как Google Sketchup) — это компьютерная программа для 3D-моделирования, которая предназначена для проектирования широкого спектра задач, таких как архитектура, дизайн интерьера, машиностроение, дизайн объектов для фильмов и видеоигр. Доступны две версии — бесплатная SketchUp Make и платная версия с дополнительным функционалом, SketchUp Pro.


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  • Windows
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Скриншот 1 программы FreeCAD

FreeCAD является параметрическим 3D CAD моделлером общего назначения. Разработка эта с полностью открытым исходным кодом (лицензия LGPL). FreeCAD нацелен непосредственно на сферу машиностроения и проектирования изделий, но программа также подходит и для более широкой области применения в сфере проектирования, например, в архитектуре.


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Скриншот 1 программы Autodesk AutoCAD

AutoCAD — это программное приложение для 2D и 3D автоматизированного проектирования (CAD) и черчения — с 1982 года доступно как настольное приложение, а с 2010 года — как мобильное веб- и облачное приложение, которое в настоящее время продается как Autocad 360.


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Скриншот 1 программы LibreCAD

LibreCAD (первоначально QCad, затем CADuntu) — это 2D CAD-приложение с открытым исходным кодом для Windows, Apple и Linux. Он основан на Qt, ведущей кроссплатформенной среде разработки приложений и пользовательского интерфейса.


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Скриншот 1 программы Autodesk Fusion 360

Autodesk Fusion 360 — это программа для проектирования и производства. Сложные продукты можно быстро и легко создать Fusion 360. Начните с использования простых инструментов моделирования, чтобы получить правильную форму, или воспользуйтесь сочетанием клавиш и перенесите существующие данные в проект Fusion 360. Проверьте продукт на работоспособность. Затем подготовьте его к производству путем создания траекторий инструмента или с помощью утилиты 3D-печати.


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Скриншот 1 программы SolveSpace

SolveSpace — программа с открытым исходным кодом для 2D и 3D CAD (автоматизированного проектирования). Это параметрический моделировщик на основе ограничений с простыми возможностями механического моделирования. Разработан Джонатаном Вестхусом.


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Скриншот 1 программы Cobalt

Cobalt — это программное обеспечение для параметрического трехмерного моделирования, предназначенное для проектирования и разработки продукции, которое легко использовать. Оно предлагает каркасное, твердотельное и поверхностное моделирование с точными чертежами, визуализацией и анимацией.

Что в этом списке?

В списке находится программы которые можно использовать для замены Autodesk Inventor на платформе Mac OS.

Это аналоги похожие по функционалу на Autodesk Inventor, которые заменяют программу частично или полностью. Этот список содержит 7 замен.

С помощью пользователей мы собираем каталог похожих друг на друга программ, чтобы вы могли подобрать альтернативу и скачать их. На сайте можно скачать популярные программы для Windows, Mac Os, Android и iPhone

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