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GOST type A Standard

GOST type A Standard is a Standard TrueType Font. It has been downloaded 932 times. 1 users have given the font a rating of 5.0 out of 5. You can find more information about GOST type A Standard and it’s character map in the sections below. Please verify that you’re a human to download the font for free.

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Font Information
Font Name GOST type A Standard
Font Style Standard
Font Type TrueType
Font Embedding Installable
Font Tags
Number of Glyphs None
Font File Size 17.8 KB
Total Downloads 932
Font Rating ★★★★★

Russia gost topo shx

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        Update : Wed, 24 Mar 2021 16:29:04 +0800 Company : Marco Nunes Size : 18.71 Kbps Version : 1.000 Trademark : Copyright (c) 2015 by Marco Nunes. All rights reserved.

        Last updated: 24 Mar 2021


        Update : Fri, 13 Dec 2019 23:50:16 +0800 Company : DA Size : 92.94 Kbps Version : 1.000 Trademark : Copyright (c) 2010 by DA. All rights reserved.

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        Update : Tue, 12 Mar 2024 15:17:00 +0800 Company : Vladimir Nikolic Size : 15.32 Kbps Version : 1.000 Trademark : Copyright (c) 2018 by Vladimir Nikolic. All rights reserved.

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        Update : Wed, 02 Jun 2021 08:12:21 +0800 Company : Size : 123.63 Kbps Version : 1.002;Fontself Maker 3.5.1 Trademark : for commercial used email me at

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        Update : Sat, 10 Dec 2022 12:06:23 +0800 Company : Display Studio Size : 150.21 Kbps Version : 1.00;June 17, 2021;FontCreator 64-bit Trademark : Typeface (Display Studio). 2021. All Rights Reserved.(

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        Update : Fri, 30 Oct 2015 23:51:10 +0800 Company : Size : 16.58 Kbps Version : Macromedia Fontographer 4.1 1/16/98 Trademark : by Ray Larabie 1998 — freeware

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        Update : Wed, 06 Oct 2021 05:36:45 +0800 Company : Size : 529.5 Kbps Version : 1.000 Trademark : Copyright (c) 2019, Fajar Abdul Fatah — Sibelumpagi Studio

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        Update : Fri, 22 Jul 2022 12:56:54 +0800 Company : Perspectype Studio Size : 97.26 Kbps Version : 1.00;August 30, 2021;FontCreator 64-bit Trademark : This font was created using FontCreator 13.0 from

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        Russian V3

        Update : Mon, 14 Dec 2015 21:02:19 +0800 Company : Size : 191.57 Kbps Version : 2.76 Trademark : Typeface The Monotype Corporation plc. Data The Monotype Corporation plc/Type Solutions Inc. 1990-1992. All Rights Reserved

        Last updated: 14 Dec 2015

        OnlineWebFonts.COM is Internet most popular font online download website,offers more than 8,000,000 desktop and Web font products for you to preview and download.

        Russia gost topo shx

        Toppo by Typoforge Studio, $30.00

        To design the font Toppo I was inspired by a You And Me Monthly published by National Magazines Publisher RSW Prasa that appeared from Mai 1960 till December 1973 in Poland. This family contains 6 different styles. In the Toppo family, every variety contains 3 alternative characters with automatic replacement.

        Rustgia by Nirmana Visual, $19.00

        Rustgia with Natural Handwritten Artistic Style, this is perfect for branding, logos, packaging, mastheads and more.

        Cassia by Hoftype, $49.00

        Cassia — a dynamic ‘Egyptienne’ with contrasting Italics and a classical appearance. More individual and agile and less cold than most Slab Serifs, it joins impetuosity with vitality. In display sizes it dazzles through its lusty appearance, and, even in the smallest sizes, it works superbly for large amounts of text. Cassia comes in ten styles, in OpenType format and with extended language support for more than 40 languages. All weights contain small caps, standard and discretional ligatures, proportional lining figures, tabular lining figures, proportional old style figures, lining old style figures, matching currency symbols, fraction- and scientific numerals.

        Mussica by Corradine Fonts, $19.95

        Rustica by TipoType, $24.00

        The world has changed; we want it to change. But it has a history too. Rustica draws back to the sans typeface tradition and updates it for the 21st century; we aim to go back to the humanist values without dismissing the role played by technology.It’s a GeoHumanist sans serif. Type design looks back at its past to return with renovated strength to its march to the future. Rustica is based on a humanist architecture with the addition of the determination and precision of the geometry of the classic sans of the early 20th century. Thus, a typographic conception typical of 21st century communications: returning to the human values of closeness and proximity, adding the certainty of knowledge and science. Rustica is born out of the DNA of our awarded font Rotunda, contributing to this typographic ecosystem humanist notes enhanced by the precision and discipline of geometry.

        Rumbia by Akifatype, $10.00

        Rumbia is a modern smooth display font, organic, dynamic and energetic sytle.Can used for various purposes. such as the title, signature, logo, correspondence, wedding invitations, letterhead, signage, labels, newsletters, posters, badges, etc. Rumbia is coded with PUA Unicode, which allows full access to all the extra characters without having special designing software. Mac users can use Font Book , and Windows users can use Character Map to view and copy any of the extra characters to paste into your favourite text editor/app

        Rustea by Yukita Creative, $12.00

        If you are looking for a typeface that is both different and stylish, Rustea is a perfect choice. With its combination of modern and vintage curves, this typeface is perfect for creating eye-catching designs that will stand out from the crowd. Affordable and versatile Multilingual support and complete character set Get one font for any occasion Support for 31 languages File OTF

        Rustika by Linotype, $40.99

        Rustika is a rather rough Oldstyle typeface. The roughness is seen in larger points only. In smaller points it is not easy to see that I tried to imitate characters cut with a chisel. The characters themselves follow otherwise totally the classic models. The name, in this spelling taken from Esperanto, refers to the rustic nature of the characters. Rustika was released in 1995.

        Vessia by alphArt, $15.00

        Vessia a lovely script font — a new modern & fresh script with a handwritten and script style make this font looks cute, elegant, stylish and perfect for any awesome projects that need lettering taste. Vessia would perfect for watermark, social media posts, advertisements, logos & branding, invitation, product designs, label, stationery, wedding designs, product packaging, special events or anything that need lettering taste. Vessia also includes full set of uppercase and lowercase letters, multilingual symbols, numerals, punctuation. The font has smooth wet ink texture, so would be perfect for all types of printing techniques+you can do embroidery, laser cut, gold foil etc. Features : ligature alternate multi lingual We hope you enjoy this font. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to drop me a message 🙂 Thank you, Best regards alphArt

        Fusskia by TypeClassHeroes, $16.00

        Fusskia is a variable serif display typeface with lots of alternative style and ligatures. Its unique design with various width and weight that you can explore and combine creating rhythm and texture for comfortable reading. Fusskia support for languages such as: Danish, English, Finnish, French, German, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish. In variable version, it allows multiple options when designing, adapting to different composition solutions. use this font for any branding, product packaging, invitation, quotes, label, poster, logo etc. Feature Uppercase & Lowercase Number & Symbol International Glyphs Multilingual support Alternative Ligatures Feel free to drop us a message any time and follow my shop for upcoming updates Hope you enjoy it.

        Rustic by WAP Type, $15.00

        Introducing Rustic modern script typeface, using style hand made with brushing. Rustic a beautiful for wedding card design, logotype, website header, fashion design and any more.

        Rushine by Keristyper Studio, $14.00

        Say hello to Rushine Script, a vintage calligraphy brush stroke font. This font is good for logo design, Social media, Movie Titles, Books Titles, short text even long text letters, and good for your secondary text font with sans or serif. Featured: Standard Uppercase & Lowercase Numeral & Punctuation Multilingual : ä ö ü Ä Ö Ü ß ¿ ¡ Alternate & Ligature PUA encoded We recommend programs that support the OpenType feature and the Glyphs panel such as Adobe applications or Corel Draw. so you can use all the variations of the glyphs. Hope you enjoy our fonts!

        Ruskin by Fine Fonts, $29.00

        The origin of Ruskin was a commission for Michael Harvey to design a signage font for the Dean Gallery in Edinburgh. The style of the letterforms was to complement the period of the building which was originally an orphanage built in 1839. Only uppercase letters were created at first with the lowercase letters—and other characters necessary for a font—added later. With elegant and slightly extended letterforms, Ruskin fulfilled its rôle well as a signage font. It also functioned extremely well as a general display font. It is particularly suited to item descriptions and placards in galleries and museums which are frequently read from an angle, as well as head-on. The fonts have both proportionally and monospaced numerals.

        Rossika by ParaType, $25.00

        Rossika is a four-style typeface designed by Oleg Karpinsky in 2002-2004 for the ParaType company. The general design and some letterforms were borrowed from antique Russian typefaces of XV-XVIII centuries. For example, the upper Cyrillic N has a diagonal stem, a tail of Ц character is attached in the center unlike major contemporary designs. Some characters have alternatives. There are several Latin and Cyrillic ligatures. Rossika is intended for logos, headlines and short text blocks: posters, calendars, post cards, diplomas, certificates and the like.

        Gussian by Flawlessandco, $9.00

        Introducing «Gussian» — A Modern Sans Serif Font. Gussian is a contemporary sans serif font that effortlessly combines modern aesthetics with clean simplicity. There’s some connected letters and some alternates that suitable for any graphic designs. This font support for some multilingual. Also contains uppercase A-Z and lowercase a-z, alternate character, numbers 0-9, and some punctuation. If you need help, just write me! Thanks so much for checking out my shop!

        Old Russian by Grummedia, $20.00

        Old Russian is a fake Cyrillic alphabet, based on old Slavic characters universally adopted in the old days of the Russian empire. Offering an opportunity to create a unique historical look.

        DS Russia Demo — Unknown license

        Ghost — Unknown license

        Gyst by phospho, $30.00

        Gyst is a neo-humanist sans-serif typeface that artfully blends the principles of Grotesque and Antiqua. With its classic uprights and the serifs in its true italics, Gyst spans the arc from a modern humanistic sans serif to a captivating calligraphic serif. Contrasting strokes and luscious, on the other hand razor-edged terminals reflect a sense of grace, thriving at the intersection of geometric precision and flourishing sophistication. Made for body text as well a s display use. In any situation, you will find the autonomous cursive posture to be a perfect playmate for the upright. Gyst comes in four upright and italic weights, all equipped with a whole lot Alternates and Ligatures.

        Gasted by Twinletter, $12.00

        Introduce Gasted font, designed by combining heroism in written artwork, modern fonts for digital and robotic needs, of course, this very elegant and powerful san serif font family, will make your project unique and attractive in its presentation. what are you waiting for, start making your project spectacular This font is perfect for games, sporting events, branding, banners, posters, movie titles, book titles, quotes, clothing, logotypes, and more. of course, your various design projects will be perfect and extraordinary if you use this font because this font is equipped with a complimentary font family, both for titles and subtitles and sentence text. start using our fonts for your amazing projects.

        Gonte by Dear Alison, $29.00

        If you are like me, you love to doodle in a sketchbook when traveling abroad to capture the indescribable moments that a camera or video would miss. Years ago, on a trip to Spain, I penned out this fanciful handwritten script and just fell in love with it. I came across that old sketchbook recently, and the love affair was renewed. Gonte brings back all of the magic and charm of that trip, and I hope that it will bring a little magic to whatever flights of fancy you might use it for. Double letter Ligatures, Contextual Swashes to start and finish letterforms, and Stylistic Alternates for the lowercase v and w all lend to keeping the carefree hand-penned style.

        Ghosting by Rhd Studio, $18.00

        Ghosting Script is a calligraphic script font that comes with exquisite character changes, a kind of classic decorative copper script with a modern twist, designed with high detail for an elegant style. Ghosting Script is interesting because it is smooth, clean, feminine, sensual, glamorous, simple and very easy to read, because there are many fancy letter joints. I also offer a number of decent stylistic alternatives for multiple letters. Classic styles are very suitable to be applied in various formal forms such as invitations, labels, restaurant menus, logos, fashion, make up, stationery, novels, magazines, books, greeting / wedding cards, packaging, labels or all kinds of advertising purposes. . Ghosting Script has , including multiple language support. With OpenType features with alternative styles and elegant binding. The OpenType feature works automatically, but you can access it manually and for the best results required for your creativity in combining these Glyph variations.

        Goat by Oliveira 37, $30.00

        Goat is a font display with extremely fine and sharp serifs, inspired by Gothic architecture, which brings a vertical elongation in extent and an allusion to the typical ogival vaults of the style. A font that not only carries a texture of writing with magnitude and elegance, but also causes some kind of strangeness for the subversion of some typographic laws.

        Mussa by Eurotypo, $28.00

        Bussi by Schriftlabor, $29.99

        Bussi is an inline font family full of extras. It is rich with alternatives and symbols, which makes it a playful font to use. It was inspired by hand lettering and bullet journaling. The font is perfect for branding and packaging to bring your extra brand personality—an ideal font to use for stationery design or even movie titles. Versatile and high-quality Bussi will be your new font love. Bussi was inspired by hand lettering and bullet journaling. The first drafts were designed during studying for my high school graduation, where I would focus more on the headline lettering than on the actual content. I tried to motivate myself by lettering joyful, swirly headlines, and keywords. Originally designed as a caps-only headline font, over the years more and more letters and symbols were added, resulting in nearly 1400 glyphs and 5 different stylistic sets. Designed by Stella Chupik and Schriftlabor team.

        Rassie by Gassstype, $23.00

        Hello Everyone, introduce our new product Font Rassie is a Rough Brush Font.This is a Textured Natural Style and classy style with a clear style and dramatic movement. This font Rassie is great for your next creative project such as logos, printed quotes, invitations, cards, product packaging, headers, Logotype, Letterhead, Poster, Design this font is great for your creative projects such as watermark on photography, and perfect for logos & branding, product packaging, special events or anything that need handwritting taste. That is has charming, authentic and relaxed characteristic more natural look to your text. You can activate 13 Ligatures OpenType panel.

        Dussa by Attype Studio, $12.00

        Dussa is a Handwritten summer font duo, make an amazing combination between Display and Regular style. Dussa is perfect for summer event, summer party, branding, logo, invitation, quotes, apparel design, product packaging, merchandise, game titles, cute style design, Book/Cover Title and more. What’s Included : — Multilingual Support — Font Duo — Hope you enjoy with our font! Attype Studio

        Rusty by T-26, $29.00
        Pusia by ROHH, $40.00

        Pusia is a versatile font family with a lot of character and warmth. It is a professional, contemporary sans serif with original letter forms, friendly and dynamic feel. Its subtle curved shapes and attention to details give Pusia a very distinctive look. Its proportions and optimized kerning make it a very clean and legible in all sizes. Pusia is a great choice for all kinds of design work, both print and on-screen. It is perfect for display use in headlines, advertising, logo design and branding as well as long and short paragraphs of text. Pusia consists of 20 fonts — 10 weights and their corresponding italics. It has extended language support including cyrillic and true italics, as well as broad number of OpenType features, such as small caps, case sensitive forms, ligatures, stylistic alternates, contextual alternates, lining, oldstyle, tabular, small cap and circled figures, slashed zero, fractions, superscript and subscript, ordinals, currencies and symbols.

        Göt — Unknown license

        Toppo Giggio — Personal use only

        Typo Negative — Unknown license

        TOMO Joseph by TOMO Fonts, $12.00

        Joseph is a slab-serif face designed by TOMO. With a wood type look — letterpress print, this fatty comes in handy when is time to design an informal —yet strong—looking communication piece. Imagine this typeface on a T-shirt, even a mug! Sweet.

        TOMO Claire by TOMO Fonts, $10.00

        TOMO Claire is a handmade typeface with a relaxed style and committed to the environment. It comes in two styles, Regular and Waste with a distressed look. This typeface is ideal for all types of projects related to the care of the environment and everything else. Be green! Act now!

        TOMO Tosca by TOMO Fonts, $15.00

        Tosca is a new face designed by TOMO FONTS. Is a massive all-caps font with a stone age feel. Good-humoured shapes ideal strong messages. Very useful for kids related stuff, like books, posters, or websites. Lowercases are a slightly different from uppercases for a more natural look. Enjoy!

        TOMO Pillo by TOMO Fonts, $15.00

        TOMO Pillo! a blocky style fat face with attitude. Bold, heavy and fun! all at the same time! You will only need this font to make your designs stand out fresh!

        Todos Santos by Putracetol, $24.00

        Todos Santos — Slab Serif Font. The baseline of Todos Santos is also not the same, so it makes this font seem irregular, What makes Todos Santos unique is the difference in the height of each character. And Todos Santos is a slab serif inspired by 1970s posters but made flexible enough for everyday use. Todos Santos best uses for title, invitation, heading, cover, poster, logos, quotes, product packaging, merchandise, social media & greeting cards and many more The alternative characters were divided into several Open Type features such as Swash, Stylistic Sets, Stylistic Alternates, Contextual Alternates, and Ligature. The Open Type features can be accessed by using Open Type savvy programs such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop Corel Draw X version, And Microsoft Word. Todos Santos is also support multi language.

        TOMO Ernest by TOMO Fonts, $10.00

        Ernest is a handmade typeface with an unique yet strong personality. Say it bold with this font. Punk & Wave styles. Ideal for type based designs.

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