Error 1603 when you try to install a Windows Installer package: A fatal error occurred during installation
This article helps fix the error 1603 that occurs when you install a Microsoft Windows Installer package.
Applies to: Windows 10 — all editions
Original KB number: 834484
When you try to install a Windows Installer package, you may receive the following error message:
Error 1603: A fatal error occurred during installation.
If you click OK in the message box, the installation rolls back.
You may receive this error message if any one of the following conditions is true:
- Windows Installer is attempting to install an app that is already installed on your PC.
- The folder that you are trying to install the Windows Installer package to is encrypted.
- The drive that contains the folder that you are trying to install the Windows Installer package to is accessed as a substitute drive.
- The SYSTEM account does not have Full Control permissions on the folder that you are trying to install the Windows Installer package to. You notice the error message because the Windows Installer service uses the SYSTEM account to install software.
To resolve this problem, use any one of the following methods, depending on the cause of the problem:
- Check if the app is already installed on the PC. If so, uninstall and reinstall the app. If you previously had a desktop shortcut for an app, the shortcut may have been lost during the upgrade to Windows 10. In such cases, the app is likely still installed on the PC, resulting in this error when you attempt to reinstall the app. You can restore the shortcut by searching for the app, and if it’s found, press and hold (or right-click) the app and select Pin to Start. Or you can resolve the issue by uninstalling and then reinstalling the app. To search for and uninstall apps in Windows 10:
- On the Start menu, select Settings.
- In Settings, select System >Apps & features.
- If the app is listed, then this is, select it and then select Uninstall.
- Follow the directions on the screen.
- Install the package to a folder that is not encrypted. Use this method if you receive the error message because you try to install the Windows Installer package to a folder that is encrypted.
- Install the package to a drive that is not accessed as a substitute drive. Use this method if you receive the error message because the drive that contains the folder that you try to install the Windows Installer package to is accessed as a substitute drive.
- Grant Full Control permissions to the SYSTEM account. Use this method if you receive the error message because the SYSTEM account does not have Full Control permissions on the folder you are installing the Windows Installer package to. To grant Full Control permissions to the SYSTEM account, follow these steps:
- Open File Explorer (or Windows Explorer), right-click the drive that you want to install the Windows Installer package to, and then click Properties.
- Click the Security tab. Verify that the Group or user names box contains the SYSTEM user account. If the SYSTEM user account doesn’t appear in the box, follow these steps to add the SYSTEM account:
- Click Edit. If prompted, approve the User Account Control.
- Click Add. The Select Users or Groups dialog box appears.
- In the Enter the object names to select field, type SYSTEM, and then click Check names.
- Click OK.
- To change permissions, click Edit. If prompted, approve the User Account Control.
- Select the SYSTEM user account, and verify in the Permissions section that Full Control is set to Allow. If not, select the Allow check box.
- Close the Permissions dialog and return to the Properties dialog. Click Advanced.
- Select Change permissions. If prompted, approve the User Account Control.
- In the Permissions tab, select the SYSTEM entry and click Edit.
- Click the Applies to dropdown and select This folder, subfolder, and files. Click OK.
- Wait for the operating system to apply the permissions that you have selected to all child folders.
- Run the Windows Installer package.
Błąd 1603 podczas próby zainstalowania pakietu Instalatora Windows: Podczas instalacji wystąpił błąd krytyczny
Ten artykuł pomaga naprawić błąd 1603 występujący podczas instalowania pakietu instalacyjnego systemu Microsoft Windows.
Dotyczy systemu: Windows 10 (wszystkie wersje)
Oryginalny numer KB: 834484
Podczas próby zainstalowania pakietu Instalatora Windows może zostać wyświetlony następujący komunikat o błędzie:
Błąd 1603: Wystąpił błąd krytyczny podczas instalacji.
Jeśli w oknie komunikatu zostanie kliknięty przycisk OK, instalacja zostanie cofnięta.
Ten komunikat o błędzie może zostać wyświetlony, jeśli spełniony jest jeden z następujących warunków:
- Instalator systemu Windows próbuje zainstalować aplikację, która jest już zainstalowana na komputerze.
- Folder, w którym próbujesz zainstalować pakiet Instalatora Windows jest zaszyfrowany.
- Dysk zawierający folder, na którym próbujesz zainstalować pakiet Instalatora Windows jest dostępny jako dysk zastępczy.
- Konto SYSTEM nie ma uprawnień pełnej kontroli do folderu, na który próbujesz zainstalować pakiet Instalatora Windows. Komunikat o błędzie jest wyświetlany, ponieważ usługa Instalator Windows używa konta SYSTEM do instalowania oprogramowania.
Aby rozwiązać ten problem, należy użyć jednej z poniższych metod, w zależności od przyczyny problemu:
- Sprawdź, czy aplikacja jest już zainstalowana na komputerze. Jeśli tak, odinstaluj i zainstaluj ponownie aplikację. Jeśli wcześniej do aplikacji istniał skrót na pulpicie, mógł on zostać utracony podczas aktualizacji do systemu Windows 10. W takim przypadku aplikacja jest prawdopodobnie nadal zainstalowana na komputerze, co powoduje wystąpienie tego błędu przy próbie jej ponownej instalacji. Możesz przywrócić skrót, wyszukując aplikację. Jeśli zostanie znaleziona, naciśnij i przytrzymaj (lub kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy) aplikację, a następnie wybierz pozycję Przypnij do Menu Start. Problem można też rozwiązać, odinstalowując aplikację, a następnie instalując ją ponownie. Aby wyszukać i odinstalować aplikacje w systemie Windows 10:
- W menu Start wybierz pozycję Ustawienia.
- W menu Ustawienia wybierz pozycję System>Aplikacje i funkcje.
- Jeśli na liście znajduje się aplikacja, wybierz ją, a następnie wybierz pozycję Odinstaluj.
- Postępuj zgodnie ze wskazówkami wyświetlanymi na ekranie.
- Zainstaluj pakiet w folderze, który nie jest zaszyfrowany. Użyj tej metody, jeśli komunikat o błędzie został wyświetlony, ponieważ próbowano zainstalować pakiet Instalatora Windows w folderze, który jest zaszyfrowany.
- Zainstaluj pakiet na dysku, który nie jest dostępny jako dysk zastępczy. Użyj tej metody, jeśli komunikat o błędzie jest wyświetlany, ponieważ dysk zawierający folder, w którym próbowano zainstalować pakiet Instalatora Windows, jest dostępny jako dysk zastępczy.
- Przyznaj uprawnienia pełnej kontroli do konta SYSTEM. Użyj tej metody, jeśli komunikat o błędzie jest wyświetlany, ponieważ konto SYSTEM nie ma pełnych uprawnień do folderu, w którym instalowany jest pakiet Instalatora Windows. Aby udzielić uprawnień pełnej kontroli do konta SYSTEM, wykonaj następujące kroki:
- Otwórz Eksplorator plików (lub Windows Explorer), kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy dysk, na który chcesz zainstalować pakiet Instalatora Windows, a następnie kliknij polecenie Właściwości.
- Kliknij kartę Zabezpieczenia. Sprawdź, czy pole Nazwy grup lub użytkowników zawiera konto użytkownika SYSTEM. Jeśli konto użytkownika SYSTEM nie jest wyświetlane w polu, wykonaj następujące kroki, aby je dodać:
- Kliknij pozycję Edytuj. Jeśli zostanie wyświetlony monit, zatwierdź kontrolę konta użytkownika.
- Kliknij pozycję Dodaj. Zostanie wyświetlone okno dialogowe Wybieranie użytkowników lub grup .
- W polu Wprowadź nazwy obiektów do wybrania wpisz SYSTEM, a następnie kliknij pozycję Sprawdź nazwy.
- Kliknij przycisk OK.
- Aby zmienić uprawnienia, kliknij przycisk Edytuj. Jeśli zostanie wyświetlony monit, zatwierdź kontrolę konta użytkownika.
- Wybierz konto użytkownika SYSTEM i sprawdź w sekcji Uprawnienia, czy opcja Pełna kontrola ma ustawioną wartość Zezwalaj. Jeśli nie, zaznacz pole wyboru Zezwalaj.
- Zamknij okno dialogowe Uprawnienia i wróć do okna dialogowego Właściwości. Kliknij przycisk Zaawansowane.
- Wybierz pozycję Zmień uprawnienia. Jeśli zostanie wyświetlony monit, zatwierdź kontrolę konta użytkownika.
- Na karcie Uprawnienia wybierz wpis SYSTEM, a następnie kliknij pozycję Edytuj.
- Kliknij listę rozwijaną Dotyczy wybierz pozycję Ten folder, podfolder i pliki. Kliknij przycisk OK.
- Poczekaj, aż system operacyjny zastosuje wybrane uprawnienia do wszystkich folderów podrzędnych.
- Uruchom pakiet Instalatora Windows.
Czy ta strona była pomocna?
How to Troubleshoot MSI Error 1603: Fatal Error During Installation
MSI is a Windows Installer package format that uses Microsoft’s Windows Installer service to manage the installation (and uninstallation) of applications.
Although Windows Installer is a mature technology, you can still encounter errors when trying to install an MSI package.
One of the most common errors is Error 1603, which can be triggered by a variety of issues.
In this article, we will explore the potential causes of error 1603 and provide troubleshooting steps to help you quickly identify the root cause of the error and resolve it.
What is error 1603 and what causes it in Windows Installer?
The Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) generates error code 1603 when it has trouble installing a software package due to an issue with either the Windows Installer or the software package.
As you can see, the error message doesn’t provide much information and doesn’t offer any hints on where to begin troubleshooting.
If you click “OK”, the installation rolls back.
Alternatively, if you’ve created a log file for the installation and you scroll down to the end of it, it should look like the one below:
MSI (c) (B0:98) [20:07:25:036]: MainEngineThread is returning 1603
=== Verbose logging stopped: 01/02/2023 20:07:25 ===
Error 1603 can be caused by several common issues such as:
— Windows Installer is trying to install an application that is already installed.
— The installation folder of the application is encrypted.
— There are insufficient permissions to access the location where the software is being installed.
— Short file name creation is disabled.
— Conflicts with other software or services that are running on the computer.
— Conflicts with antivirus or other security software.
— Corrupted Windows Installer.
— Corrupted installation package.
— Unable to access install files in case of a web installer due to network and firewall blocks.
For more information and tips on how to resolve the 1603 error code generated by any of the causes above, check out MSI installation error 1603 — Windows Server | Microsoft Learn page.
MSI Installation Error 1603 — A Deep Dive into the Most Common Cause: CustomAction
The most frequent reason for error 1603 during MSI installation is a failed action, which is more likely to be a CustomAction rather than a Standard Action.
Let’s suppose we have an MSI that includes a VBScript file (MyCA.vbs) as a file in the File table. In this case, the VBScript is executed via a CustomAction which is set before the InstallFiles action within the InstallExecuteSequence table.
If we attempt to install this MSI, it fails with error code 1603.
Now let’s see how we can troubleshoot this error and find out which is the CustomAction that fails.
How to Troubleshoot 1603 MSI Error Code: Finding the Failed Custom Action
When the 1603 error “Fatal Error During Installation” is encountered, the first and probably the most important step is to determine which Custom Action has failed.
This can be easily achieved if we take into consideration that each CustomAction must return a value if msidbCustomActionTypeContinue return processing option is not set.
Return value code
Action not executed.
Completed actions successfully.
User terminated prematurely.
Unrecoverable error occurred.
Skip remaining actions, not an error.
To troubleshoot the 1603 error, follow these steps:
1. Generate a verbose log file by using one of these methods:
a. using /l argument — /l*v to generate a verbose log file that offers detailed information about the installation.
b. enabling Windows Installer logging to generate a verbose log file that offers detailed information about the installation..
2. Open the verbose log file and search for the string “return value 3” — 3 is the return value code for when an unrecoverable error occurred.
3. Review the content of the log file located immediately above the “return value 3” string to determine which CustomAction has failed.
Different Resolutions for Different CustomAction Failures
While identifying the CustomAction that causes the Windows Installer to fail may be a straightforward process, the resolution to the issue can vary depending on the specific scenario.
In our example above, the installation failed because MyCA.vbs was added as a file within the MSI and the CustomAction that executed this VBScript file was set to be executed before InstallFiles action.
In other words, the CustomAction was trying to execute a script which was not installed on the target device at that time during the installation.
In this instance, the solution was to change the execution order of the CustomAction to a later point in the InstallExecuteSequence.
When encountering the MSI Error 1603, try searching for return value 3 to speed up the investigation process. By doing that, you will be able to identify the CustomAction that caused the Windows Installer installation to fail.
However, keep in mind that this solution can vary from one scenario to another and may require further investigation. We hope you found this article helpful.
Written by
Horatiu Vladasel
Horatiu is a Software Packager/Sequencer with over 10 years experience, who has worked as a Software Packager at IBM and is currently offering software packaging services to companies such as BT or Nationwide.
[Solved] Fatal MSI Error 1603 During Installation in Windows
A great many people received the fatal MSI error 1603 while they want to install the software in Windows 10/11? If you also encounter this error, then this article of MiniTool Partition Wizard is worth reading. It provides several ways for the MSI installer error 1603.
Here is a user report from the Microsoft forum:
“I am trying to redownload Alienware Command Center on my PC but when I try to download it, it gets close to the end then it says ‘Error -1603 fatal error during installation. Consult Windows installer help (msi.chm) or MSDN for more information.”
What Is MSI Error 1603? Why Does It Happen?
An MSI file is a Windows Installer package that contains the information needed to install a product and the instructions and data needed to install (or uninstall) a program in many installation situations.
However, when running an MSI installation using the Windows Installer service, sometimes you encounter a fatal error with exit code 1603. This MSI error code 1603 means the installation failed. The MSI error message is usually something like “error – 1603 fatal error during installation.”
Well, what causes this MSI error 1603? Here we have listed the reasons why the MSI error 1603 is generated.
- Windows Installer is trying to install an application that is already installed on your PC.
- The folder into which the Windows Installer package is installed is encrypted.
- The drive of the folder where the Windows Installer package is installed will be accessed as an alternative drive.
- The Windows Temp folder is full or the target drive has not enough free space.
- The SYSTEM account does not have full control over the folder into which Windows Installer packages are installed.
- Disable short filename creation on the target machine.
Now that we know all the potential causes of the MSI error 1603, please try the following solutions.
Run as Administrator Option for MSI Files Missing Windows 10/11
There is no Run as administrator option in the right-click context menu for MSI file types. If you encounter this issue, this post is what you need.
How to Fix MSI Error 1603?
How to fix MSI installer error 1603? After analyzing the causes and users’ reports, we summarize the following methods that may help you solve this issue. Please try them in order.
Before you start troubleshooting, you can try some general tricks to get rid of this MSI 1603 error:
- Make sure the drive you are trying to install is not encrypted.
- Disable BitLocker.
Method 1: Run the Application Installer as Administrator
If the application won’t install on your computer, the installer may lack administrative permission to access certain required files. So, you can try relaunching the application installer with administrative privileges.
You just need to right-click the downloaded installer and choose the Run as an administrator option from the context menu. Then, check if the installation can proceed without the MSI 1603 error.
Method 2: Close the Background Software
Background software may corrupt Windows Installer while installing programs. Therefore, close unnecessary background software before installing programs. You can close all windows on the taskbar and third-party software icons in the notification area and also use the task manager to close more programs.
To do so, here are detailed steps:
Step 1: Press the Win + X key to open the menu, and then select the Task Manager option to open the Task Manager window.
Step 2: Under the Processes tab, select each program and click on the End task button to close all software listed under the Apps section.
Method 3: Uninstall the Same Program Installed Completely
If you have previously installed the same program or an earlier version, an error may occur when you try to install the application again. If you want to successfully install your program, you need to completely uninstall the program installed on your computer. This means that in addition to the main program, you’ll need to delete any temporary files and preferences it leaves behind.
To do so, here is the guide:
Step 1: Press the Win + R key to open the Run dialog box. Then type control panel in the box and press Enter.
Step 2: Select View by Category from the upper right corner of the Control Panel. Then click Uninstall a program.
Step 3: Then you can check if the application is listed here. If it is, right-click on it and select Uninstall.
After that, you can try to install the software and see the MSI 1603 error disappears. If it still exists, you can refer to the next method.
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Method 4: Make Sure There’s Enough Hard Drive Space for the Program
If there is not enough space on the target hard drive, the MSI installer error 1603 error message may appear. Well, you can try clearing any temporary or junk files to free up hard drive space. Here are the detailed steps:
Step 1: Press the Win + E key to open File Explorer and click on This PC.
Step 2: Under the Devices and drives section, right-click on your drive where you want to install the application and choose Properties. Then, click Disk Cleanup under the General tab.
Step 3: After a few minutes of calculations, you’ll get a new interface listing the total number of files that can be cleaned and the size of each file type. At this point, check the files you want to delete and click OK.
Once done, you can restart your computer and try the installation again to check if the MSI error 1603 has been removed.
However, if the Disk Cleanup tool won’t open or work or after Disk Cleanup cleans junk files, but there is still not enough space to install the program on the partition, you can extend the target partition or free up disk space in other ways.
Then you can use a professional third-party partition manager to extend the target partition. Here, MiniTool Partition is recommended for you. This useful utility can help you manage hard drives, recover data, measure disk performance, etc.
To extend the target partition using MiniTool Partition Wizard, just follow the instructions below.
Tip: If your target partition is a system partition, it is recommended you use Bootable edition to avoid damage to the system or data loss.
Step 1: Click the download button and install it on your computer. Then launch this program to enter its main interface.
Step 2: Click on the target partition and select the Extend Partition option from the left action panel.
Step 3: Select where to take free space and drag the light blue block to decide how much free space you want to take. Then click the OK button.
Step 4: Finally, click on the Apply button to execute this operation.
Now, your hard drive should have enough free space to install the application.
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Method 5: Start and Re-register Windows Installer Service
There may be a problem with the Windows Installer service, resulting in MSI error 1603. You can fix the problem by (re)starting and re-registering the Windows Installer service.
To start the Windows Installer service, you need to do:
Step 1: Open the Run dialog box and enter services.msc. Then press Enter to open the Services panel.
Step 2: Scroll down to the Windows Installer service and double-click it to open its Properties window.
Step 3: Click on the Start button under Service status, then click on OK. If its service status is running, you should first click on Stop and then click on Start.
To re-register Windows Installer, you need to do:
Step 1: Type msiexec /unregister in the Run dialog box and press Enter.
Step 2: Open the Run dialog again and enter msiexec /regserver. Then press Enter to run.
After that, reinstall the application and the MSI installer error 1603 may disappear.
Method 6: Grant Full Control of the Installation Drive
If you get the MSI error 1603 message, it is because the SYSTEM account does not have full control over the folder where you are installing the Windows Installer package. Therefore, to grant full control to the SYSTEM account, perform the following steps:
Step 1: Open File Explorer, right-click on the hard drive where the software is installed and then click on Properties.
Step 2: In the next new box, switch to the Security tab. Verify the Group or User names box contains the SYSTEM user account. If the SYSTEM user account does not appear in the box, follow these steps to add the SYSTEM account:
- Click on Edit. If prompted, approve User Account Control.
- Click on Add. The Select User or Group dialog box appears.
- In the Enter the object names to select field, type SYSTEM, and click on Check names.
- Click on OK.
Step 3: Click on the Edit button.
Step 4: In the next pop-up box, click SYSTEM and make sure that the Allow box for each item in Permissions for SYSTEM is checked. Perform the same check for Administrators.
Step 5: Click on OK and go back to the Properties dialog box. Then click on Advanced > Change permissions.
Step 6: In the Permissions tab, select the SYSTEM entry and click on Edit.
Step 7: Click on the Applies to the drop-down menu and select This Folder, subfolder, and files. Then click on OK. Do the same operation above for Administrators.
Wait for the operating system to apply the permissions you selected to all subfolders. Then you have acquired full permissions on this drive. Try installing your application and see if the MSI 1603 error is fixed.
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Method 7: Enable Short Filename Creation on the Target Machine
If short filename creation is disabled, the MSI 1603 error would occur. Therefore, enabling short filename creation by editing its NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation value in the registry is another way to fix the 1603 error. Please follow the detailed steps below:
Note: It’s better to backup your registry in advance to prevent other problems since you are going to edit a registry key.
Step 1: Type regedit in the Run dialog box and press Enter to open the Registry Editors.
Step 2: Navigate to the following path:
Step 3: Double-click the NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation DWORD to open its Edit DWORD (32-bit) Value window.
Step 4: Change the Value data to 0 to enable short file name creation. The value of 1 indicates that it is disabled. Then click on OK to close its window.
Then restart your computer and install your application to see if the MSI installer error 1603 exists.
Bottom Line
This article has introduced some methods for you to solve MSI error 1603. Do the above solutions work for you? You can share your better solutions or questions with us in the following comment section. If you have any problems with MiniTool software, you can contact the support team via [email protected] .
About The Author
Vega joined MiniTool as an editor after graduation. She enjoys helping people with computer problems, including disk management, data recovery, and more. She is constantly expanding her knowledge in related fields. And she will continue to bring more easy-to-understand professional articles to help people solve various problems on the PC. In her daily life, Vega enjoys hanging out with friends, shopping online and listening to music. She is someone who knows how to enjoy life.