Błąd krytyczny – Unhandled Access Violation Reading 0xfffffffc Exception at 634e3d27h
Przy otwieraniu dość dużego pliku DWG wygenerowanego w Microstation 8i pojawia się błąd:
BŁĄD KRYTYCZNY: Unhandled Access Violation Reading 0xfffffffc Exception at 634e3d27h
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Na początek proszę zwiększyć ilość pamięci do 3GB. Normalnie wykorzystywane są 2Gb, a pozostały 1Gb pozostaje na obsługę systemu. Istnieje możliwość żeby to zmienić. Proszę postępować zgodnie z informacjami w poniższym linku:
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Dodatkowo można by rozważyć kwestę podzielenia rysunku na 2 części. Nawet po jego otwarciu zapewne pojawi się problem z pracą w tym pliku ze względu na jego objętość oraz 32 bitowy system operacyjny.
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Fatal Error: Unhandled Access Violation Reading . Exception, and AutoCAD Crashes
We’ve been seeing this issue from time to time with AutoCAD and AutoCAD Civil 3D 2017 installations. A quick fix from AutoCAD Service Pack 1 will take care of the problem.
1. You might see the error message pictured to the left as well. Click No to close the error message.
2. Follow this link to Autodesk’s AutoCAD 2017 Service Pack 1 page .
3. Scroll down on the Service Pack 1 page until you see the download options pictured to the left. Click the correct AutoCAD 2017 SP1 version for your computer (64-bit or 32-bit).
This step will actually require you to download and install two separate files When you click the download link, your browser will either prompt you to download multiple files or open a secondary pop-up window, which may be easily overlooked or hiding behind the browser. (What you see will depend on your browser settings.) You may need to poke around a bit to find them. See the images below for examples.
Using Google Chrome? You should see a message that the Autodesk site wants you to download multiple files. Click Allow. Using Mozilla Firefox? You’ll have two download windows, which may or may not be hidden behind the browser window. Click Save File in each message. 4. The following two files will download to your computer:
- AutoCAD_2017_SP1_Part_2_Genuine
- AutoCAD_2017_SP1_64bit
Take note of the file names, and save the files in a location where you can find them easily.
5. Run each of the files you downloaded. Allow a few minutes for the Service Pack to install and repair your installation.
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Fatal Error or Fatal Exit
A No database connection error is letting you know that you are unable to access your Land F/X database. These errors generally apply only to installations that are using Local Data.
Your database connection can drop for any of the following reasons:
Reason 1: CAD needs to be restarted.
You can often resolve this error quickly by restarting CAD.
If restarting CAD doesn’t resolve the issue, move on to the other possible causes of this error.
Reason 2: You actually have Cloud data, and the configuration is mistakenly thinking that you have Local Data.
If your office has Cloud Data and you’re getting a No database connection error, you’re either experiencing a problem with your database configuration or a bug in the software.
- Are you getting this error attempting to do anything at all? If so, that’s a sign of a configuration issue.
In this case, type ENTERPRISE in the Command line and press Enter.
In the dialog box that opens, confirm that Use cloud data is checked.
If not, check this option and click OK.
This is also a good opportunity to confirm with your IT admin or CAD manager that your office is properly configured on Cloud Data.
- Are you only getting the No database connection error when attempting some actions with the software, but you’re able to do others just fine?
If so, you’ve likely encountered a bug in the software. Specifically, our developers missed a database call and did not upgrade it to be compatible with Cloud Data. If so, just let us know your exact steps to reproduce the error, and we’ll get it fixed! (See A bug in the software code below for instructions.) The good news: Because other parts of Land F/X are working, you should be able to do something else in your plan while we work on repairing the bug.
Reason 3: A bug in the software code.
In this case, the programmer did not foresee the steps that you took (perhaps many operations in a row), and the database connection was closed prematurely. If you can replicate the exact steps that generated this error (and the error tends to occur after you’ve at least one thing), it’s likely the result of a bug.
The easiest way to check for a bug is to check our list of recent updates.
- Don’t see a recent update that’s related to what you tried to do when you saw the error? You’ve likely ruled out a bug. Move on to the next possible cause/solution.
- Do you see a recent update that’s related to what you tried to do when you saw the error? If so, there’s a good chance you’ve detected a bug in the code. For example, if you saw a bad argument type error when you attempted to place a Reference Note Callout, and a recent update has to do with Reference Note Callouts, there’s your bug! If you think you’ve found a bug, please let us know by sending us a technical support ticket. Make sure to include the following items in the ticket:
- The exact text of the error message, and a screenshot of the error message (if you have it)
- A description of the action you took that generated the error message (such as placing a plant, editing a detail, etc.)
Not a bug? You are likely experiencing .
Reason 4: A problem with your actual database.
If you get this error in attempting to do anything, even from a blank drawing, you can bet that it’s resulting from one of two possible causes:
- You actually have Cloud data, and the configuration is mistakenly thinking that you have Local Data. Here’s what to do >
- You have Local Data, and the connection to your database is dropping. If so, ask your IT admin to troubleshoot your Land F/X installation.
If the Fatal Error: No database connection or Fatal Exit: No database connection error is actually the second or third error message you received in a row, please note that we will want to see the first error message you saw.
However, the problem could also be that your server is running out of disk space, or just needs to be rebooted. Have your IT administrator verify that your server has sufficient disk space, and then reboot the server. Try the action that generated the error again. No error? You’ve resolved the issue.
If your server wasn’t the issue, or if you’re still getting the error, we’ll need to investigate. Please send us a technical support ticket that includes:
- A screenshot of the first error message you received before seeing the Fatal Error or Fatal Exit
- The text of that error message
- A note that you also received either a Fatal Error: No database connection or Fatal Exit: No database connection message
- A brief description of the action you took that generated the error
If you saw this exact error message while:
- Working in a drawing that contains custom linetypes: Read on for the cause and solution.
- Using AutoCAD 2016, but not while working in a drawing that includes a custom linetype: Scroll down and follow the steps for All other Fatal Error or Fatal Exit messages at the bottom of this page.
You’re here because you received a Fatal Error message when working in a drawing that includes a custom linetype.
The message may include the text Fatal Error: Unhandled access violation reading 0x0010 Exception . , as pictured to the right.
You may have seen this error when:
- Changing the linetype from the Properties panel (as shown to the left), or
- Simply working within a drawing that includes custom linetypes.
This error occurs in drawings where a TrueType font (TTF) is being used within a custom linetype, along with a few other conditions described below.
Custom standard linetypes are available and can be loaded into your linetype options. These linetypes pull their text style from the Standard text style in the AutoCAD Text Style Manager.
If this text style is set to an SHX font style (example: avantg-f.shx), you should be able to change the linetype of a selected line without generating the error.
However, if you’re using a TTF text style, you’ll see the Fatal Error message.
This error is the result of an AutoCAD bug and is not isolated to Land F/X users.
Are you using our Custom Line tool?
Note that Custom Line pulls from our Callout Text style.
The same caveat applies to this tool: If you’re using SHX fonts, you should be safe. If you’re using TTF, you’ll see this error when changing linetypes.
We’ve developed a tool that will resolve this issue.
The LineTypePatch tool will work with the following versions of F/X CAD:
- 2020: English, French, and Spanish
- 2016 – 2019: English
Have AutoCAD, or a different version of F/X CAD? Here’s what to do.
Download and run (double-click) the LineTypePatch tool, linked below.
Leave the Debug Patch option unchecked, and click Next.
Restart F/X CAD. If you can work without F/X CAD crashing, you’ve resolved the issue.
Is F/X CAD still crashing after you applied the patch? Here’s what to do:
Run the patch again. This time, check the Debug Patch option and click Next.
The Patch tool will patch your installation with an update that will create a log file for our team to review.
Once the debug patch has been applied, start F/X CAD and repeat the steps that made it crash. Locate the LineTypeDebug.log file on your desktop, and send it to our team in a technical support ticket for review.
After sending in the log file, run the patch again.
Leave the Debug Patch box unchecked, then click Next. This step will prevent you from continually creating these log files, which will balloon in size.
Have AutoCAD, or a version of F/X CAD that won’t work with the patch?
If you have AutoCAD, or a version of F/X CAD that’s incompatible with the LineTypePatch tool, or if the tool just didn’t resolve the issue, you have a couple of options for resolving this error:
- Workaround 1: While not generally recommended, changing the text style to an SHX style (example: avantg-f.shx) will resolve the fatal crash.
- Workaround 2: Another workaround (though not always Fatal Error–proof) until Autodesk can fix this bug would be to change the linetype from the Layer Properties Manager rather than from the Properties panel.
Keep in mind that:
• This second workaround will affect all lines in the drawing that land on that specific layer (and of those lines, that are set to «by layer»)
• If you happen to go to the Properties panel and click the Linetype option (despite that you’re changing the linetype from Layer Properties Mnager), you’ll still get the Fatal Error message.
• Sometimes just having the Properties panel docked and opening files with custom linetypes can cause the Fatal Error message as well.
It’s also a good idea to send us a technical support ticket letting us know you’re experiencing this error, so we can continue investigating.
If CAD crashed when you tried to run the Publish or Batch Plot command, you might have a a damaged or improper page setup or plotter configuration.
If a Fatal error message pops up right when you launch CAD, here’s what to do:
1. Right-click the AutoCAD or F/X CAD shortcut on your desktop.
Select the Properties option from the menu that opens.
2. Select the Shortcuts tab in the Properties dialog box.
Add the following text at the end of the Target field: /nohardware
3. Try launching CAD again.
Still getting a Fatal error message? Scroll down to the All other Fatal Error messages and scenarios steps at the bottom of this article.
You can address this error by following our steps to run the RECOVER command on the DWG or series of DWGs you’re trying to open.
First, are you getting the following error message right after installing AutoCAD 2017 or AutoCAD Civil 3D?
Fatal Error: Unhandled Access Violation Reading .
- Yes: Please see the solution to this specific Fatal Error message.
- No, I’m getting another Fatal Error, or I don’t have AutoCAD or F/X CAD 2017: Move on to the steps listed below.
The following Fatal Error messages will require the same general set of troubleshooting steps:
- Fatal error: Unhandled exception or Unhandled exception e0434352h exception at fda3a06dh
- Fatal error: Unhandled delayload » AdSpatialReference.dll» Module Not Found»
- Fatal error 0x0000 (when starting AutoCAD or F/X CAD)
- Fatal error (when saving to a shortcut)
- Fatal error: Unhandled access violation reading 0x0010 Exception . (working in AutoCAD 2016)
- Fatal error: Unhandled delayload
- Fatal Error: Unhandled e0434352h Exception at XXXXXXXX
Please complete the following troubleshooting steps in the order listed. After each step, restart your computer and reopen CAD. If you’re not getting the error, you’ve resolved the issue. If you’re still getting the error, move on to the next step.
1. Ensure that your Windows installation is up to date. If necessary, run the Windows update.
2. Once you’re sure Windows is up to date, restart your computer. (No need to restart your computer again after this step. Just open CAD and see whether you’re still getting the error.)
3. Install the latest Autodesk Service Pack or Update for your year version of AutoCAD.
F/X CAD users:
- F/X CAD 2018 & newer: The update is bundled into the F/X CAD installer. To get the latest updates, follow our steps to reinstall F/X CAD using the latest installer from our site for your year version.
- F/X CAD 2016 – 2017: The Service Pack for your year version is built into your installation.
7. Turn off your anti-virus or anti-malware program. Then reinstall/repair AutoCAD or F/X CAD.
The reinstall option will not be available for .NET on some Windows 10 machines. If your issue relates to a possible Microsoft .NET Framework reinstall or update, please note that you may be experiencing an issue resulting from a conflict between Autodesk and Microsoft’s .NET Framework 4.7. This latest version of the .NET Framework (Windows 10 Creator’s Update) is an Autodesk and Windows known issue. More information >
10. Tried all the other steps and you’re still getting the error? The problem may lie in your Autodesk license validation. This issue may be occurring as a result of:
- An Internet outage at Autodesk.com. Go to that site. Is it down? You’ve found the problem.
- Your Internet Explorer requiring an update:Download Internet Explorer to update it.
- Malware Security software: Your IT administrator may need to investigate for either of these causes.
- Installing F/X CAD after previously having another version of AutoCAD (such as the academic version): In this case, follow our steps to check for and uninstall any previous versions of AutoCAD or F/X CAD (taking care not to uninstall the version you are currently using).