This product is no longer available
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This product is no longer available

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Перевод «no longer available» на русский

The biggest change is the new style and the fact it’s no longer available with a retractable hardtop.

Самым большим изменением является новый стиль и тот факт, что он больше не доступен с убирающейся жесткой крышей.

Sorry, we checked your dates directly with the apartment owner and itâ s no longer available.

Извините. Мы проверили запрошенные вами даты непосредственно с владельцем квартиры, она больше не доступна.

In addition, they are no longer available for food production (area competition).
Кроме того, они больше не доступны для производства продуктов питания (зональная конкуренция).

With paper cash no longer available, they’ll then be able to track absolutely everything that’s bought and sold.

Когда бумажные деньги больше не доступны, они смогут отслеживать абсолютно все, что покупается и продается.

They point out that some of the tools they deployed ten years ago are no longer available.

Они указывают на то, что некоторые инструменты, использовавшиеся ими 10 лет назад, больше не доступны.

Functions relevant to safety are restricted or no longer available if
Важные для обеспечения безопасности функции либо ограничены, либо больше не доступны, если
Some old assemblies are not listed due to the fact that castings are no longer available.
Некоторые старые узлы, не перечисленные в связи с тем, что отливок больше не доступны.
The ‘0’ (zero) means that spaces are no longer available.
‘0’ (ноль) означает, что пробелы больше не доступны.
But those ports are no longer available to Russian traders.
Но эти порты больше не доступны российским трейдерам.
The infrared system has severed its connection. Remote controls are no longer available.
Соединение с системой инфракрасной передачи данных потеряно. Пульты управления больше не доступны.
Links are no longer available for European roms.
Но теперь они больше не доступны российским трейдерам.
Leaded fuels are no longer available as automotive fuels.
В настоящий момент этилированный бензин в качестве автомобильного топлива больше не используется.
The bottle that was picked for our product was no longer available.

Часть инструментов, которыми мы пользовались для продвижения нашей продукции, теперь больше не доступна.

Unfortunately, the imperial cologne no longer available.
К сожалению, «Имперский» одеколон снят с продажи.

The chances are, though, that digital libraries will appear online for parts and products that are no longer available.

Вполне возможно, что появятся цифровые библиотеки деталей и товаров, недоступных на рынке.
These machines are now breaking down and parts are no longer available to fix them.
Такие моторы нынче в плачевном состоянии, запчасти для них уже не выпускают.

Accurate data are no longer available, because these data have been destroyed near the end of the war.

Точных сведений о его делах не сохранилось, поскольку документы были уничтожены в конце войны.
He’s no longer available to serve his country.
Что он уже не может послужить стране.
He worked through private dealers and collectors whose records are no longer available.
Он работал за счет частных дилеров и коллекционеров, чьи записи больше не поставляются.
The benefits of technology were no longer available only for the elite.
Преимущества технологий не являются более доступными только для элиты.
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Introducing the new plugin for WooCommerce products that are no longer available

WooCommerce product no longer available plugin

Our latest plugin — WooCommerce Discontinued Products — was released today. It’s the only plugin on the market that lets you manage WooCommerce products that are no longer available without losing their SEO value.

If you’ve ever removed a product from your store, you’ll know that WooCommerce doesn’t provide any good options for products that are no longer available. You can mark an end-of-life product as out of stock. However, this implies that stock will be available again in future, and messes up your stock reports. Some people delete end-of-life products, but this loses their SEO value and creates broken links.

The new WooCommerce Discontinued Products plugin solves all these problems and more. It’s the perfect way to manage WooCommerce products that are no longer available.

Finally, an easy way to manage discontinued products in WooCommerce —

Note: The WooCommerce Discount Manager plugin was acquired by our friends at Kestrel in March 2024, and is now available on the Kestrel website.

Easily mark WooCommerce products as no longer available

WooCommerce discontinued product with alternative suggestions

The WooCommerce Discontinued Products plugin adds a new ‘Discontinued’ stock status to WooCommerce. This sits alongside the default stock statuses of in stock, on backorder and out of stock.

Discontinued products work in a similar way to out of stock products. For example, they are not purchasable. However, they have some unique features that you need for products that will never be available again:

  • You can add some custom text which appears on the product page for all your no longer available products. This clearly communicates with customers that the product has been permanently discontinued and will not come back in stock.
  • Discontinued products are clearly marked in the WordPress admin and stock reports. They won’t be mixed up with your current products which are still available.
  • It only takes a second to mark a WooCommerce product as no longer available. Simply change the stock status of a product or variation to ‘Discontinued’. Even better, you can also change the availability of products and variations in bulk.
  • You can choose whether to show or hide end-of-life products from the public parts of your store, such as the shop page.
  • Discontinued product pages are still accessible to search engines. This means that you don’t lose their SEO value simply because products are no longer available. (Check out our top tips on how to get sales from customers who land on your discontinued product pages.)

Video — see it in action

You can see how the plugin handles products which are no longer available in our Discontinued Products video. This walks you through the plugin’s features and how to set them up:

Does it work with other Barn2 plugins?

You can use WooCommerce Discontinued Products with any Barn2 plugin, as well as plugins from third party companies. For example:

WooCommerce Product Table Discontinued Products

  • The ‘Discontinued’ message will appear in the stock column in WooCommerce Product Table, and in the bulk variations grid when you use WooCommerce Bulk Variations. Discontinued products will not be purchasable because they are no longer available.
  • When you use WooCommerce Quick View Pro, the discontinued information will work in the lightbox in exactly the same way as the single product page.

Where can I get the plugin?

WooCommerce Discontinued Products is available today, and only takes a minute to set up. You’ll soon have a better way to manage WooCommerce products that are no longer available — while still getting all their SEO benefits!

  1. Home
  2. Blog
  3. Introducing the new plugin for WooCommerce products that are no longer available

What happens if my customer has purchased a product that is no longer available?

In very rare cases it can happen that a product purchased from an end customer is no longer available in the warehouse of the supplier. In this case the procedure signals the anomaly and prevents the order from being processed automatically with the automatic sending to Brandsdistribution. To manage this problem it is necessary to contact Brandsdistribution and verify case by case how to manage and solve the problem.

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