Copy with base point
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Copy with base point

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Copy with base point

The problem we are having with this command is it kicks in autosave every time we run the command. Can the autosave be turned off when using this command?

I don’t know how to do anything to native commands but this little snippet can be added to LISP routines so that the autosave function doesn’t mess you up while in the middle of a routine:
;;; For long routines. While in a routine that takes a long time, the autosave feature may come on and jack things up
;;; Simply change the autosave feature’s variable at the beginning and then turn it back on at the end of the routine
(setq savetime (getvar ‘savetime))
(setvar ‘savetime 0) ;. ;; At the end of your routine reset the system variable as it was set before invoking the routine (setvar ‘savetime savetime)

pringlettuce says:
Saves a lot of trouble. Wish I had discovered this 3 years ago. Thanks very much!!
Josie says:

Sorry for my ignorance but how do you add the above to LISP routine so that the autosave function doesn’t invoke in the middle of a routine?

Steven says:

Lately when I have been using this command, it is copying with the base point but when I go to past it into another drawing the objects do not show up. But if I do a block insert after hitting Ctrl+V it is there and I can insert that way.

It kind of makes sense. The block is defined in the new drawing after you do the CTRL+C but i don’t understand why it wont let you place the block. Have you tried using CTRL+SHIT+V after using CTRL+SHIFT+C? If you have 2 separate drawings open, you can simply drag & drop from one drawing into the other and it will be defined in the drawing. One thing I want to make clear is that when you use the CTRL+SHIFT+C and then specify a base point, is that the objects – whether they are separate objects or a block will become an “Anonymous” block. So after it is brought into your drawing, it should be exploded in order to have the same name as the drawing.

How to copy and paste with base point and insertion point

I was wondering if anyone could let me know how to paste an object that I’ve copied into a specific point in my drawing? At the moment when I copy and paste I don’t seem to have any control over the precise place I want it to be in my drawing. Autocad had a function where you could copy and specify the base point of the object being copied and then it would paste at the exact point you clicked — I’m sure VW must have a similar function but I’m new I can’t seem to see online what this might be. Any tips would be appreciated, thanks

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Copying Shape by Specifying Base Point

Copy a shape on the drawing, and register it to the Windows Clipboard. The copied shape can be pasted on the same or other drawings with a [Paste] command. It can also be pasted to other applications supporting OLE (a mechanism to enable data transfer/sharing among Windows application software).

  1. Click [Copy with Base Point] on [Edit] menu.
  2. Select a shape to be copied.
  3. Click a base point for copying on the drawing.
    The system will copy a shape selected using the clicked position as a base point.
    The specified base point will also be used as a base point for locating the copied shape.

You can specify the base point by inputting X and Y coordinates in [Base Point] box on Command Window.
Related topics
  • Pasting Shape Cut-Out or Copied
  • Pasting Shape Cut-Out or Copied in Special Format
  • Selecting/Canceling Shape

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Copy with base point

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Copying of the selected objects to the clipboard with the base point. The top left border corner of the pasted objects is set as the base point to paste objects from the clipboard on default. The command Copy with the base point enables the user to set a user base point at the stage of copying of the selected objects.

1. Create a circle;

2. Clicking the left mouse button select the created circle in the drawing;

3. Press the right mouse button and select the command Copy with base point in the opened context menu.

4. With the left mouse button select a base point, e.g. center of the circle, in the drawing;

5. Press the right mouse button and select the command Paste ;

6. While pasting the circle from the clipboard the mouse cursor is situated in the centre of the circle as the centre of the circle was pointed as the base point for pasting. To compare it please look at the command Copy

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