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Author Topic: Material preview not updating in SME 3dsMax 2024 (Read 637 times)
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- Material preview not updating in SME 3dsMax 2024
Using the Slate Material Editor – Тренинги «3ds Max»
— [Instructor] The Slate Material Editor is a node based interface for designing and editing shading networks or material shader trees. In this course, we’ve seen it a little bit already when editing environment lighting. Now we’ll start exploring the material editor more thoroughly. Before you open up the material editor, you should know that, by default, it depends upon the active production renderer. The production renderer will be invoked by the material editor in order to render previews or sample swatches. And also materials and maps that are not marked as compatible with the current production renderer will be hidden within the material editor. Let’s investigate. Open up the render setup dialogue and we’re in production rendering mode, and the default renderer is Arnold. That means the material editor will use Arnold for previews and it will hide any materials or maps that the Arnold developers have flagged as incompatible. In the comment tab, scroll down to the bottom, and you’ll see a rollout at the very bottom assigned renderer. Open that up, and here we can assign different renderers for the production rendering, the material editor or active shade. And by default, the material editor is locked to the production renderer and we could unlock that and choose some other renderer for the material editor. And I do recommend that you just leave that padlock on, and that way what you see in the material editor will very closely represent what you’ll see in your final production rendering. Now let’s talk about compatibility. It may surprise you to hear this, but a big 3D program such as Max actually has many internal incompatibilities. Lots of things just don’t work in combination with one another. And additionally, Arnold is not actually a part of three 3ds Max. It’s a plugin renderer that is developed separately, but bundled with the purchase of three 3ds Max. If we go to the Arnold Renderer tab, up here at the top we see compatibility mode, and there are two options, 3ds Max Maps Support or Arnold Compliant. It’s set to 3ds Max Maps Support by default. This means that Arnold will be able to render the three 3ds Max Legacy texture maps such as cellular, smoke, and so on. If compatibility mode is set to Arnold Compliant, then none of those maps will be available within the material editor by default, and they also definitely will not render in Arnold. There are only a couple of situations in which you’d want to switch to Arnold Compliant. First, if you’re rendering on the GPU instead of the CPU. Arnold GPU rendering does not support most of the 3ds Max maps. You’d also need to switch to Arnold Compliant mode if you want to use the Arnold command line renderer called Kick. So Arnold, the core software, does not support the native maps of the host applications, such as 3ds Max or Maya or Houdini. But the Arnold plugins, such as MAXtoA, do support the host applications maps at least partially. The upshot here is that if you’re rendering with Kick then you can’t use any of the Max Legacy maps. Same goes if you’re rendering in GPU You’re probably not going to be able to use those 3ds Max legacy maps, so you want to disable them by choosing Arnold Compliant. But if you’re rendering in Max itself and using the Arnold CPU mode, then you probably do want 3ds Max Maps Support enabled. All right, we can close the render setup dialogue and open up the material editor from its button on the main toolbar. It’s right next to the render setup dialogue. When we click that button, we get the Slate Material Editor by default. Slate is the node-based interface. It has an older cousin known as the Compact Material Editor. I actually don’t recommend that because it’s quite limiting. It’s not node-based, and it’s kind of hard to build a complex shader tree, but you may need to go into the Compact Material Editor on rare occasions in order to set some options. So it’s accessed from the Slate material menus or from the material editor icon. You can switch the mode over to the compact material editor. In the Slate Material Editor menus choose modes, compact material editor, and we see that compact interface, which again does not have any node based graph. I’ll switch back over to Slate. We can go to the material editor button on the main toolbar, hold that button down, and from the flyout, choose the slate icon, which looks like two checkered circles connected to a checkered square, and now we’re back in the Slate Material Editor. Slate is composed of four windows. The main window includes the title bar, the menus, and the material editor toolbar. It also includes one or more tabs, which are labeled view, and that’s the main central area here, this panel where we can build and manipulate our shader graph. The other three panels within Slate are also known as tools. We have the material map browser on the left and on the right we have the navigator and the material parameter editor. The material map browser shows a list of materials and maps that we can create. It also includes a list of all the scene materials that are currently applied onto objects in the scene. And at the very bottom there’s a section labeled sample slots. This is kind of a sandbox area where we can store materials and maps that will be saved in our current 3ds Max scene file, but are not necessarily applied onto any object in our 3D world of the view ports. We’ll talk more about all of this later. The navigator window just gives an overview of where we are in the main graph. Just for reference, I’ll create a shading node. Go back up to the top to the materials category under general, I’ll click and drag on this physical material and drop that into the view. And now we see that material shading node and we see in the navigator a representation of that node and then a box that indicates the outlines of the view itself and I can navigate in that view in the usual way. We can pan with a middle mouse button or we can zoom with control alt and middle mouse button. You can also do the same things from these navigation buttons down here. I’ll reset my zoom factor to 100% from this pulldown list here. We’ve got a numerical field. We can just set that back to 100%. I don’t really use the navigator, in fact, just to save space and give me more room for the material parameters, I’ll close the navigator. Materials and maps in the graph view are called nodes because they’re usually connected to one another in a network. To view the parameters for any shading node, just select it and its attributes will be loaded into the parameter editor on the right. That’s an overview of the interface for the Slate Material Editor.
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