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Path Deform Pro is a modifier for 3ds Max that deforms models along a path without causing self-intersections unlike the standard Path Deform modifier which produces a lot of self-intersections. It produces less pinching/stretching where the path bends.
Additionally it has options for volume preservation, slink effect, rolling, rigid deformation, rotation/scaling with a curve and full control of the up vector using another spline to look at and many more. Global intersections may still occur if the mesh is very thick and the path is close to intersecting itself.
Here are some of the benefits you get:
- Less self-intersections
- A lot of options to get exactly the deformation you want
- Save time and energy by not having the clean up bad results
Situations in which you would want to use Path Deform Pro:
- When you are dissatisfied with the standard Path Deform modifier
- When you want to deform a mesh while keeping it interserction free
- In everyday modeling tasks
Watch the video below to learn more about Path Deform Pro
Path Deform Pro works with 3ds Max 2013/2014/2015/2016/2017/2018/2019/2020/2021/2022/2023/2024/2025 (64 Bit).
License type:
License can not be moved to another computer once activated
License can be activated on 2 computers
One user per license
Perpetual license
License can be moved freely between computers
One user per license
Perpetual license
You can access your files and licenses on the My Downloads page after your purchase. If you purchased the product for somebody else send me an email and I will change the login email address. An invoice can be generated after the purchase.
For orders over $300 you can contact me for alternative payment methods and invoicing.
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3ds Max — Tworzenie łańcuch przy pomocy Path Deform
Z tego tutoriala dowiecie się jak wykorzystywać modyfikator Path Deform do tworzenia łańcuchów w programie 3ds Max.
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Path Deform Pro for 3ds Max
Marius Silaghi has released Path Deform Pro, a new modifier for 3ds Max that deforms models along a path without causing the self-intersections and stretching that you get with built-in Path Deform modifier. Additionally, Path Deform Pro includes options for volume preservation, slink effect, rolling, rigid deformation, rotation/scaling with a curve, full control of the up vector using another spline, and more. The plugin costs €40 from Marius Silaghi’s website.
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Max underground spirit
3 years ago
Now this is more than PRO! Congratulations again Marius! I hope someday exist a universal tool that kill self intersections from any modifier… the bevel modifier is a good example that about this old problem.
Another problem that nobody solved until now is the spline outline… still the same problematic crazy algorithm with intersections since 3dstudio DOS version from 90’s… but seems that is a problem also in any 3d software. 2d vector softwares like corel and illustrator are nice examples about how spline outline needs to work for useful results.
Max Underground Spirit
3 years ago
if someone is interested (or have opinions), here is a image/example of the intersection problem I talked about…
(Sorry if I’m changing the subject of the news … but it is also about intersections and maybe even our friend Marius can think of some tool that will help with this sometime in the future.)
Last edited 3 years ago by Max Underground Spirit
whoa there, pardner!
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