Autodesk 3ds Max – Using Normal Maps – Render to Texture – Część 6
Korzystanie z Nomal Maps daje niekończące się możliwości. Przedstawiamy szóstą część videotutorialu, dotyczącą procesu pozwalającego na renderowanie sceny tak jak zwykle, ale w teksturze, którą można później wykorzystać.
Render to Texture w Normap Maps
W prezentacji dowiesz się jak wyodrębnić dane kartograficzne w procesie zwanym Render-to-Texture. W ten sposób można uzyskać wysokie poly danych geometrycznych w typie mapy, które następnie można wykorzystać w celu uzyskania dużej szczegółowości.
Render to Texture pozwala na tworzenie map tekstur na podstawie wyglądu obiektu w renderowanej scenie. Tekstury są następnie „przyklejone” (spiekane) do obiektu. Oznacza to, że stają się one częścią obiektu poprzez mapowanie i mogą być używane do szybkiego wyświetlania teksturowanego obiektu na urządzeniach Direct3D, takich jak karty grafiki reklamowej lub silniki gier.
Zapraszamy do obejrzenia videotutorialu:
Źródło: Autodesk/ YouTube
Basic Texture Baking with V-Ray
This page provides a tutorial for texture baking with V-Ray.
Rendering to texture, or «texture baking,” creates texture maps based on an object’s appearance in the rendered scene. The advantage of using baked textures is that real-time display is much faster. These textures are ideal for displaying the textured object rapidly on Direct3D devices such as graphics display cards or game engines.
For the purpose of this tutorial, we use a simple scene with a volleyball geometry.
Part I: Set Scene for Baking
In the first section, we set up and adjust the scene settings.
Check if the current materials are assigned accordingly and the object’s UVs are neatly unwrapped.
In our case we have 2 volleyball meshes — one high poly mesh and one low poly mesh.
The low poly mesh has a Projection modifier added in advance from the Command panel > Modify panel. The high poly mesh is selected as a Reference Geometry for the Projection.
To speed up rendering, optimize the scene by lowering Noise threshold and Max. subdivs to acceptable values that don’t significantly lower the final render quality.
Render the scene.
In some cases, lighting is also baked into the texture. To bake the lights into the texture, position them and set their values to match the final lighting setup where the baked textures will be used.
When baking only maps without lighting information , it is recommended to turn off the scene lights to significantly speed up the rendering.
Part II: Texture Bake
In this section, we adjust the settings for texture baking.
Select the low poly mesh . Then use either of the following texture baking tools.
Always use V-Ray Bake elements for texture baking with V-Ray.
This tool is available for 3ds Max 2021 and newer. It is interchangeable with the Render to Texture tool.
Open the Bake to Texture menu from Rendering > Bake to Texture, or by clicking 0 > Bake to Texture.
Select the needed maps, in our case: VRayBumpNormalMap, VRayDiffuseFilterMap, and VRayMtlReflectGlossinessBake.
There are other maps that could be used as well depending on the case, e.g. VRayNormalMap or VRaySSSMap. In our particular case, we prefer using the VRayBumpNormalMap to VRayNormalMap because there is finer detail. Note that it also requires higher render settings to produce better results.
Click the Add Maps to Selected Objects button to add the maps.
The menu detects if the selected mesh already has a Projection modifier set. If none is detected, the Projected From setting might need to be adjusted based on whether or not another mesh is going to be used for the texture bake.
In general, it’s better to start with lowered settings to get quicker results. Tweak where necessary and once the desired results are achieved, change back to the desired final map settings — texture size, padding, etc.
Select all maps and start tweaking.
Use 512 from the Image Size drop-down menu for now.
Keep the Padding and Bg as they are, although they can be adjusted if needed.
In some specific cases, the UV Channel may need to be specified. However, here let’s keep its default values.
Also add the currently used image size as a suffix to the File Name to keep things organized, e.g. Volleyball_VRayDiffuseFilterMap_512.
Choose a File Type from the drop-down menu. For this tutorial, we choose PNG.
In our case, set the Output To option to Duplicate Original Material and set the maps accordingly: VRayDiffuseFilterMap — Diffuse, VRayMtlReflectGlossinessBake — Reflection Glossiness, VRayBumpNormalsMap — Bump.
Create New Material option can be used if we want a different material, and Files Only — if used straight into a different software.
Also set an Output Path where the baked textures are going to be saved.
Leave the Apply color mapping unchecked. Otherwise, you need to use Overrides.
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